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KEYWORD "Barking and Dagenham" - 31 RESULTS
We Can’t Pay More! Affordability crisis dents London lettings market

London’s rental market has weakened in recent months according to the fledgling online service Hello Neighbour. Rents are 1% down compared to...

11 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Far cheaper to rent than to buy in London - new figures

Londoners looking to buy a home can expect to spend 42% more on monthly mortgage payments than tenants pay on rent,...

16 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Guilty! - Fraudster letting agents duped landlords and tenants

Two London agents who traded fraudulently through their lettings business and scammed victims out of over £24,000 have been sentenced. After a...

13 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Sadiq Khan’s rent controls dismissed as “well-meaning but naive”

Rents across the UK continue to retreat from their 2023 highs, falling by 2.9 per cent over the last three months,...

16 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Agency fined for its role in illegal HMO letting

A London lettings agency has been ordered to pay over £12,000 in a fine and costs for its part in running...

11 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Council brands lettings agency “dodgy” and issues big fine

The agency and landlord responsible for letting a two-bedroom flat in Dagenham have been found guilty in court for providing extremely...

21 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlord numbers up despite taxes, new laws and red tape

Landlord numbers may have dropped in recent months but a longer term analysis shows the reverse. Total Landlord Insurance analysed the current...

12 September 2022

From: Breaking News

London’s sharp rent variations laid bare by new research

A rental platform has revealed the wide disparity in rents to the north and south of the Thames in London, and...

16 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Revealed - where rental demand is strongest across the UK

A rental demand league table produced by a lettings management platform shows the winners and losers across the UK - and...

02 October 2020

From: Breaking News

A huge degree of pain - London student lettings sector to take 24% hit

The private rental sector dedicated to student accommodation in London could see a 24 per cent drop in income in the...

23 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Revealed - where to find the best yields, according to Zoopla

Zoopla has revealed its top 10 hotspots for buy to let investors seeking high rental yields.  The analysis is based on rental returns...

10 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Commuter location yields not always better than in-London yields

New research by lettings management platform Howsy shows which major London commuter hubs make the most attractive potential for buy to...

14 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Absolute Rubbish: agent fined over six-foot mound of garbage

An east London lettings agency must pay more than £2,500 after a six-foot-high pile of waste was found fly-tipped on land...

21 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Yet More Licensing: councils want more freedom to expand schemes

An umbrella organisation representing councils is calling for greater freedom to introduce more and larger rental sector licensing schemes, without the...

01 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Jailed - buy to let investor who illegally converted flats

A landlord who illegally converted a London home into two flats without planning permission has been given a prison sentence after...

20 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Disaster for buy to let investors if Berlin-style rent freeze happens

New research shows that some buy to let investors in London could typically lose over £19,000 a year if Berlin-style rent...

19 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Government backs Labour council’s ‘unique’ licensing scheme

The government has agreed that a council in London where all 51 councillors are Labour should go ahead with a five...

03 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Jailed! Man who forged agency papers 'giving HMO planning consent'

A buy to let investor who converted three family homes to HMOs without securing planning permission has been jailed for falsifying...

18 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Over a third of London uninhabitable for renters - claim

A flat-share website claims typical rents in some 38 per cent of London are now so high they render the areas...

11 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Agency hit with fine after failing to give fees, redress and CMP information

A letting agent in east London has been fined £4,000 after apparently publishing the incorrect fees that it levies on tenants...

08 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Buy to let couple have a choice - pay £150,000 or imprisonment

A couple from east London who illegally converted a town centre office block into 14 flats have been ordered to pay...

10 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Lettings league table claims London rents up 17% in six years

Figures drawn up for the London region of the GMB union claim that across the capital’s 33 boroughs private rents have...

07 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Five-figure fine for breaching conditions of London lettings licence

A London landlord has been ordered to pay over £13,000 for breaching the conditions of his licence as a result of...

01 August 2018

From: Breaking News

London rents up - but it's not exactly a large increase...

Rents in London rose by 0.1 per cent in the 12 months to June - it’s the first annual rental increase...

06 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Trio of lettings agencies fined in overcrowding and sub-letting scandal

Three agencies have been heavily fined after a property in London was being used for multiple occupation with 11 people living...

04 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Average London tenant now requires £3,000 deposit, claims agent

A warning has come from a campaigning letting agent that London’s landlords agents could be costing themselves tenants by requiring them...

20 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Councils accused of inadequately policing private rental sector

Almost 60 per cent of councils across Britain have not prosecuted any landlord for any offence in the past year according...

31 October 2017

From: Breaking News

UK rental growth slows as London goes negative, index claims

The average rent of a new letting in the UK grew by 0.24 per cent in the first six months of...

10 July 2017

From: Breaking News

Rip-off landlords are scourge of London says Labour politician

A senior Labour politician in a London borough has branded so-called ‘rip off landlords’ as “the scourge of London.”   Councillor Laila Butt,...

03 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Council sets up Right To Invest as alternative to Right To Buy

A London council has set up a system to allow council tenants to buy into a shared ownership scheme which it...

20 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Raid on unlicensed buy to lets finds 70 people in four properties

Enforcement officers from Barking and Dagenham council, one of the most active in chasing up private rental sector issues, has discovered...

07 March 2016

From: Breaking News

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