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KEYWORD "Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association" - 7 RESULTS
Finance chief says rent controls ‘not the answer to lettings crisis’

Kate Davies, executive director of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA), says rent controls are not the magic answer to problems...

12 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Buy To Let lending set to fall back this year - forecast

Buy To Let lending is set to fall back this year, after a hectic 2021. That’s the forecast from the Intermediary Mortgage...

11 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Agents tell government - scrap SDLT surcharge and reverse tax changes!

The Association of Residential Letting Agents has made an uncompromising set of demands on the government, asking it to implement a...

13 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Stable rents show that buy to let is still sound, says leading agent

Latest official figures show that private rental prices paid by tenants in the UK rose by 1.0 per cent in the...

15 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Restricting BTL mortgages will push up rents, warn lenders

Measures which discourage investment in the private rented sector can only push up rents and harm tenants more than landlords, a...

20 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Agents unhappy at Osborne's Buy To Let tax blow

Agents have expressed their disappointment at the decision by the government to restrict mortgage interest relief for Buy To let investors...

09 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Mortgage chief tells Bank of England to back off Buy To Let

The head of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association is telling the Bank of England to back away from its strident warnings...

07 July 2015

From: Breaking News

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