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KEYWORD "Living Wage" - 10 RESULTS
Want your agency to be successful? Then pay staff more!

Paying staff too little is a sure-fire way to hinder growth and profits, according to letting expert and former ALRA President,...

25 June 2024

From: Breaking News

‘No Interest Rate Cut This Summer’ after bad news from government

Any lingering hope of a pre-election interest rate cut by the Bank of England has been hurt by the government’s Office...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Hunt’s lack of support for rental sector still subject of criticism

Last week’s Autumn Statement - which fell short of expectations in terms of help for the private rental sector - is...

27 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Industry anger as Budget ignores private rental sector

All sides of the industry have expressed anger and frustration that yesterday’s Budget effectively ignored the private rental sector. ARLA Propertymark’s policy...

28 October 2021

From: Breaking News

‘Named and shamed’ - agency placed on minimum wage list

A letting agency has appeared on a ‘name and shame’ list of companies which failed to pay staff the minimum wage. Tetsuo...

06 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Union protests outside agencies as Goodlord dispute escalates

The industrial dispute involving Goodlord has escalated with protests outside agency offices using the lettings platform, and the creation of a...

18 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Tenant referencing strike threatens to disrupt agencies

A trades union claims that lettings software provider Goodlord is slashing some staff salaries by a quarter - that’s £6,000 per...

12 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Daily Telegraph keeps up pressure on ‘anti-buy to let government’

The Daily Telegraph - an outspoken critic of George Osborne’s fiscal changes aimed at extracting more money from the buy to...

22 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Rental affordability crisis in London claims website

More evidence of a possible affordability issue in the private rental sector has been produced from a survey of Londoners earning...

28 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Summer Budget's fiddly tax changes well worth a second glance

This week the Chancellor, George Osborne, delivered the first Conservative Budget for almost 20 years. While Mr Osborne claimed that it marked...

10 July 2015

From: Features

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