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KEYWORD "Property Condition" - 44 RESULTS
Propertymark asks government: Why bother with local licensing schemes?

Propertymark has responded to the formal consultation schemes being imposed by a string of local councils - but says such measures...

02 September 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents’ views sought for large HMO licensing scheme

Agents, landlords and others’ views are being sought in a consultation on proposals to introduce a borough-wide additional licensing scheme for...

09 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill causing unease amongst investors - agency

The Jackson-Stops agency is warning that the Renters Reform Bill is driving investors away - and making the market worse, not...

28 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour boss says “uninterested agents” force tenants to “disgusting conditions”

Two massive new rental licensing schemes are set to be approved in Brighton - and part of the reason is “uninterested...

14 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Ex-agent jumps aboard mould-risk bandwagon

A former lettings agent who now helps tenants take legal action against landlords says 25 per cent of the complaints he...

29 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Most tenants satisfied with private rental accommodation

Over two thirds of tenants are satisfied with their private rented accommodation, a new survey shows. The finding comes in the results...

20 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Pilot scheme finds high proportion of rental homes need work - claim

A council claims that a pilot licensing scheme has discovered a very high proportion of rental homes requiring improvement. Plans to extend...

01 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Far reaching reforms demanded by lettings industry chiefs

A collection of rental experts in a body called The Lettings Industry Council have set out what they want to see...

25 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Private rental property conditions and enforcement slammed by MPs

Private rental property conditions and the enforcement of regulations by councils and government have all been in the firing line from...

13 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Lettings licensing success justifies new five year extension - claim

Another council is to conduct a consultation process to expand selective and additional licensing schemes for the next five years. Under existing...

28 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Government failing to protect private renters, says watchdog

A report by the National Audit Office claims that the way private renting is regulated makes the sector unfair to renters. It...

10 December 2021

From: Breaking News

'Drugs, booby-traps and rentals' – an expanding issue for agents?

Agents need to be diligent regarding the the growth of cannabis in rental properties and the devastating lengths tenants will go to...

21 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Dispute evidence – don’t throw the kitchen sink at it!

When it comes to gathering evidence for deposit disputes, the need for thoroughness is understandable. However, on occasion some landlords take...

20 September 2021

From: Sponsored Content

Agent urges tenants to take landlords to court over conditions

A lettings agent has taken the unorthodox approach of advising tenants to take their landlords to court in a bid to...

31 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Council’s civil penalty threat over electrical safety in rental properties

Bury council in Greater Manchester has adopted new measures to fine agents or landlords up to £30,000 if their properties fail...

15 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Another Shelter report condemns state of British rental sector

Another report by the campaigning charity Shelter is critical of the quality of Britain’s private rental sector - and indeed the...

26 May 2021

From: Breaking News

No more rent controls! Politicians warned of supply shortage

Propertymark is making it clear that rent controls are not the way to operate an efficient lettings market. In a formal response...

04 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Pro-Rent Controls group claims 4,000 members in London alone

An organisation that wants rent controls, the scrapping of Section 21 and what it calls “indefinite tenancies” claims to have 4,000...

16 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Council wants county-wide selective licensing to be introduced

Another council is consulting on introducing a selective licensing scheme - and again it claims it will “create better housing for...

28 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Council opens lettings agency in town with scores of private agencies

Luton council has opened Lets Squared, a High Street lettings and estate agency using public funds - even though the town...

12 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Industry wants short-let controls, review of landlord tax and stamp duty eased

The Association of Residential Letting Agents and the National Association of Estate Agents have issued their manifesto for next month’s General...

05 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue landlord fined £2,500 for ‘shocking’ property conditions

A landlord has been fined almost £2,500 for breaching an improvement notice issued by Cambridge City Council. Noelle Salameh was fined after...

09 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Four things you need to know when starting a new tenancy

Did you know that preparing for a deposit dispute starts at the beginning of a tenancy? When tenants and landlords disagree about...

26 September 2019

From: Sponsored Content

UK’s most controversial licensing scheme a success claims council

The most controversial local council rental licensing scheme in the country has been deemed a success - at least by the...

16 September 2019

From: Breaking News

London council returns to licensing five years after humiliating U-turn

Enfield wants to be the latest London council to introduce large-scale additional and selective licensing schemes which would affect most private rented...

05 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Another council seeks government backing to widen licensing

Another local authority has announced that it wants to introduce another selective licensing scheme and designate its entire patch for HMO...

02 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Fightback Begins: council’s £1,200 licensing fee provokes backlash

One of the most pro-licensing local authorities in the country has extended its own scheme to include the entire centre of...

05 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Bastard landlords - the term used by a government minister

A government minister says the phrase ”rogue landlord” is too “cuddly” and he wants buy to let investors who broke the...

26 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Council’s first-ever Civil Penalty Notice over lettings property condition

A council in the north of England has issued its first-ever Civil Penalty Notice on a landlord - and it involved...

07 November 2018

From: Breaking News

MPs to debate tenants' powers to sue over property conditions

MPs in the House of Commons will today debate the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill, promoted by a Labour backbencher...

26 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Date set for Bill allowing tenants to sue over property conditions

A date has been set for the next stage of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill, which is being promoted...

03 August 2018

From: Breaking News

New law urging longer tenancies and rent controls leads to rent rises - claim

Well over twice as many Scottish tenants have seen their rents rise at the start of the year compared to those...

01 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Major agency says pro-tenant legislation must go much further

Lettings agency Haart says the government should go much further than the legislation it is supporting giving tenants the right to...

19 January 2018

From: Breaking News

ARLA backs Bill allowing tenants to sue landlords over property conditions

The Association of Residential Letting Agents has thrown its weight behind a Private Members Bill which wants tenants to have the...

17 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Government-backed Bill allowing tenants to sue will be debated on Friday

The Private Members’ Bill that has won government backing - and which would give tenants the right to sue landlords over...

16 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Government to allow tenants to sue over poor property conditions

In an unusual move the government has today, Sunday, announced that it wants tenants to have the right to take legal...

14 January 2018

From: Breaking News

70 per cent of landlords wouldn't let to student tenants - survey

Research by a student lettings software company suggests that 70 per cent of landlords say they would prefer not to let...

15 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Agency hands over £865 after students win deposit court case

A group of students in Bristol has won a court case after a lettings agency acting for a landlord deducted money...

23 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Trade body wants much stricter regulation on letting agents

The Chartered Institute of Housing wants the government to introduce a raft of new measures including significantly greater regulation of letting...

21 February 2017

From: Breaking News

ARLA warns government over room size and licensing proposals

The Association of Residential Letting Agents is warning the government that some of its proposed changes to regulations governing HMOs may...

19 December 2016

From: Breaking News

Industry bodies wary of yet more rental sector licensing

The Association of Residential Letting Agents has responded to the latest government recommendations for tighter controls on the private rental sector...

19 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Cleaning problems lie behind 60% of tenancy deposit disputes - claim

Poor cleaning leads to some 60 per cent of the 36,000 deposit disputes referred for adjudication each year according to tenancy...

22 March 2016

From: Breaking News

MPs clash on whether tenants should sue landlords over property conditions

Labour MP Karen Buck want private tenants to be able to sue their landlords if they rent in what are considered...

19 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Mayor’s accreditation scheme criticised despite ‘letting agent success’

After celebrating its year anniversary this week, Boris Johnson’s London Rental Standard has been criticised for signing up only 12% of...

29 May 2015

From: Breaking News

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