ARPM Inventories, one of the largest nationwide providers to the lettings industry offers consistent reporting, on-line booking technology and always likes the opportunity to separate fact from fiction when it comes to people’s perceptions of the Inventory Industry. Dave Hunt, Business Development Director, inspired by a recent forum post, explains more:
‘My team and I subscribe to various different Industry related news alerts and regularly read associated forums. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to read forum comments which generally appear to portray the Inventory and Lettings industry in a negative manner, but after reading one comment on a thread last week, I really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry – it was literally nonsense! Excerpts of the comment are detailed below:
'Qualified and independent inventory clerks'...oh, please! Don't make me laugh’
‘The fact that the deposit schemes set more store by them [Independent Inventories] is worrying’
‘....They [Inventory Clerks] are not independent. They are in the pay of the LL’
‘.....I don't know what 'qualification' they [Inventory Clerks] have slaved away to achieve, but compiling an inventory and Schedule of Condition is not neuroscience.
‘And if the T signs the LL's own inventory to agree that it is a true record of the state of things at commencement, why is that not enough? Surely if the LL were making it up, the T would not sign it. I cannot see why having a so-called 'independent' clerk compiling the list and getting it signed by T, somehow makes it any more objective’
It is always such a shame to read such opinions regarding the Industry, so I thought I would use this opportunity to add the opinion of ARPM Inventories into the mix and separate the fact from fiction!
Firstly, there are numerous qualifications which an Inventory Clerk can look to gain to develop and enhance their skills. Naturally, these qualifications will vary in results, however, at ARPM Inventories we always look for APIP and/or AIIC qualified members to join our Panel in the first instance, as we believe that these are the best qualifications available to those either wishing to pursue a career as an Inventory Clerk, or indeed hone their skills. Yes, learning to become an Inventory Clerk is not neuroscience but nevertheless it is important that those practicing within the field have the correct skills and abilities to be able to provide concise and accurate Reports.
Deposit Protection Schemes DO NOT, in fact, ‘set more store’ by an Independent Inventory; adjudicators will look at the Report in its entirety and make a judgment on its content. Standards vary within the industry considerably, so it is firstly important for Letting Agents and Landlords to decide whether they have the skills and time to be able to produce detailed and compliant Reports themselves and if in any doubt they should then look to instruct a professional provider who they are confident will deliver Reports will meet and exceed their expectations.
I cannot speak on behalf of all Independent Inventory providers, however, at ARPM Inventories every single Report is independent, regardless as to who has, or hasn’t, paid for it to be produced. Inventories are not there to favour the Landlord (albeit on some occasions the Landlords think they should be) but are instead produced to provide a factual recorded account of the property on the day which it is visited.
If a Landlord is polished in producing unbiased Reports then yes, there is nothing wrong with Tenant agreeing to the contents at the Check-In stage. However, from many years of experience within the Industry, I have seen first-hand the problems which can occur when a Landlord produces their own inadequate Report. Tenants are becoming increasingly savvy as to deposit protection and what should and shouldn’t be included within an Inventory, therefore, I am sure that the majority of Tenants would be more than happy to agree to the contents of an inadequate Report which basically gives them the green light to leave the Landlords property in a worse condition than at the commencement!”
If you are considering changing your Inventory provider, then ARPM Inventories would welcome the opportunity to discuss their nationwide services with you. To arrange a without obligation consultation or to request a price list please contact us. Tel: 01923 731110 or email