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Graham Awards


Hefty fines for buy to let owners not abiding by Improvement Notices

Two landlords have received fines totalling £3,000 – and were ordered to pay costs of nearly £2,000 - after failing to comply with improvement notices issued by a council. 


One was fined £2,500, ordered to pay £1,332.30 in costs and a victim surcharge of £120 after failing to comply with an improvement notice issued by St Helens council in February, requiring him to investigate and remedy damp problems at a buy to let property.



He pleaded guilty by letter and apologised, assuring magistrates that he will work with the council to bring the property up to the required standard and promised that it would remain empty until the council was satisfied that he had fulfilled his obligations.

The second landlord also pleaded guilty by letter and was fined £250 for each of two offences of failing to comply with improvement notices – both issued in July last year – relating to his property in St Helens. One related to his failure to install a step in the backyard while the other covered his failure to overhaul flagging and remove tripping hazards.

As well as the fines - totalling £500 - he was ordered to pay £500 towards costs and a £50 victim surcharge.

The defendant, who told the court that he had six properties in St Helens, said he had not received the improvement notices and had been experiencing personal and financial difficulties.


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