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More red tape? Labour gives top-level support for 'mandatory register'

Shadow housing minister John Healey has given his backing to a Labour MP’s attempt to introduce a mandatory national register for buy to let landlords.

Sedgefield MP Phil Wilson has introduced a Private Members Bill into Parliament calling for a mandatory landlord register.

Healey, on a visit to Wilson’s constituency, told the local press: “The council, local housing associations and police are working together to try and crack deep-seated problems [in the private rental sector]. But they are doing so with both hands tied behind their backs the by government.


“They need strong legal powers so that private landlords and no landlords can let a property without it meeting certain basic standards – to give tenants the confidence to and the rights they do not have at the moment.

“The council also needs more power to set up the sort of register that Phil Wilson is arguing for, so that people know who owns the property know who to go to when there are problems also backstop powers where the landlord won't act to take the property on, make it good and make it a home for someone who needs it.”

After visiting other private rental sector players in the region, Healey said: "Some people are paying for privately rented homes which have faulty electric wiring or chronic damp. Most landlords take their responsibilities seriously... but we have too large a group where they need to be pushed to do the right thing."

Labour’s annual conference begins on Sunday September 23.

Poll: Would Labour regulate the rental sector even more than the Tories?


  • Neil Moores

    Ditto Jeremy Clarke's comment

  • icon

    Can we also have a mandatory register for tenants so that 'landlords can let a property with the tenants meeting certain basic standards – to give landlords the confidence and the rights they do not have at the moment'?

  • icon

    The council,police and local housing association are working together regards PRS? Why include the housing association unless the issue lays with there tenants. I have had tenant complaining last week about ASB on the terrace (16 houses. 4 PRS, 12 nottingham housing.) we have people coming and going quickly day and night, smashed windows, stabbings(not bad for a month!) nottingham council introduced licensing to stop this sort of thing in PRS, yet the above is happening in housing association properties, the 4 private properties are all maintained to high standards with vetted tenants. Any register and licence scheme should include all properties rented both private and social.

  • icon

    Councils already have powers but don't use them enough. Don't suppose you have to pay to be on this register or am I just being cynical !!

    Michael Lee

    Also knowing who should be declaring rental income for potential income tax a lot more readily!!!


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