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Let your property through us and pay no fees, says council

Private landlords are being asked to consider letting out their properties through the local council. 

Slough council is looking for flats and houses which will then be matched with families who have approached the housing department looking for assistance.

The benefits for landlords - the council claims - include free property inspections, free advice on making property improvements and no commission or administrative fees in the letting process.


In addition, the council provides dedicated support for landlords on tenancy matters and can recommend universal credit or housing benefit to be paid directly to the landlord.

Councillor Mohammed Nazir, cabinet member for housing and community safety, says: “In Slough we have a lot of private landlords and we also have people who come to the council for help in trying to find suitable housing for their family.

“Landlords who work with us in this scheme will be positively investing in their community.”

There are three ways which landlords can get involved with letting their property out with help via the council.

These are the Deposit Guarantee Scheme with an increase in damages claim, the Incentive Scheme which offers a one-off payment depending on size and letting standard of the property and the UKan Move Scheme where a deposit and possibly one month rent in advance, is paid.

  • Paul Singleton

    I wonder how they will deal with tenants when a landlords wants their property back, maybe because they want to sell it or move back in? At the moment the councils advise the tenants to ‘stay put’ as long as they can drag it out. Interesting when their client is actually the landlord! Total conflict of interest!

  • icon
    • 13 June 2019 14:55 PM

    I wouldn't give this Council the drippings of my nose!!!
    Investing in the community.
    I already do that but I don't let to HB tenants.
    I support hard working tenants rather than feckless welfare layabouts.
    What do they do now seeing as Jeremy Kyle is no longer around to fill their workless day!!!?

  • icon

    Agreed why give your property to the council tax theiving Council. They cant even manage their own HMOs. These council Landlords who caused the largest death toll in the UK have not got a clue how to manage their own properties what chance would they have of managing us Professional's properties? I can answer that,, No chance.

  • S l
    • S l
    • 13 June 2019 19:17 PM

    Watch out for the council. The rule is they share all details including landlords. Now as a landlord on my own, i am entitle to single discount. However, because i am now highlighted as a landlord, every student exemption are being treated as council tax avoidance if my own child is living in the property and refusal to allow single person discount because i got my ex to support in signing to get a mortgage. So no way should any of us trust the council!!! They have no responsibility or liability like everyone else and get free ticket out from jail for their failure in hmo and council flats killing thousands.

  • icon

    Was an absolute disaster in West Lothian with very low take up by agents. Council were unable to give many assurances at a meeting with local letting agents, leaving them with little confidence

    S l
    • S l
    • 14 June 2019 08:33 AM

    of course they cant give much assurance, They have a hidden agenda

  • icon

    There must be the occasional competent and trustworthy Council ? But just read any edition of Private Eye - particularly the "Rotten Boroughs"page and would not trust them with a dime. Here in Cornwall I now have to organise my own refuse collection service because Cornwall Council - which is generally pretty poor on all fronts- except when demanding more Government Aid - will not collect from holiday lets. So I pay full council tax for a non service.

    S l
    • S l
    • 14 June 2019 08:34 AM

    do you have to tell them its a holiday let?

  • icon

    Take a leaf out of the council,, act dumb.

  • icon

    I can’t recall any Local Council running anything at a break even point so are they in a position to run an actual business or is this just placing tenants with available properties? I also expect they will not serve any notices except disrepair to landlords nor say S8 to tenants in arrears!?


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