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Private tenants should get bigger benefits says Generation Rent

Generation Rent’s campaign for more public funds for private tenants continues unabated with a call on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to increase benefits.

The latest statement from the organisation claims 500,000 private renters are failing to have their rent covered by benefits.

Generation Rent - led by Baroness Alicia Kennedy - says across England alone 538,000 tenants receive Local Housing Allowance but do not live in the cheapest 30 per cent of homes in their area.


That means that have a shortfall between benefits and rent, which Generation Rent claims adds up to £53m a month in total.

It wants Sunak to increase the LHA to ensure tenants can pay their full rent, make grants available to tenants to pay “unmanageable debt due to the first wave of the pandemic” and to scrap restrictions on eligibility for Universal Credit.

Baroness Kennedy says: “The economic shock of the pandemic has wiped out income and left millions relying on benefits for the first time. But the benefits system is not designed to cope with so many people relying on it for support and is creating the most hardship in the areas hit hardest by the recession.”

And she goes on: “As long as we have an inadequate safety net and the rent is due, the government will be driving more than half a million households into debt and destitution. [Today’s] Spending Review is a precious opportunity to get those people back on their feet.”

  • Fed Up Landlord

    Generation Rent...just give it a rest. No fees now. 6 month eviction notices. Rent payment holidays. Reduced rents. And in 12 months time you will wonder why you will need to change your name to Generation NowhereTo Rent as there will be even less properties.

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    Baroness Kennedy has finally lost it. Still she is always good for a laugh. She does, however, need to keep an eye out for the men in white coats.

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    Generation free rent. What kind of a country have we become?

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    • 25 November 2020 10:53 AM

    A s*it country is what it is.

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    • 25 November 2020 10:56 AM

    Answer to the headline is they should get NO benefits. Never mind bigger ones.
    They should also pay their debts. And pay them now.
    And they should not come to me begging for help.
    They must take responsibility for their actions.
    I don't want to hear any more about these scum bags.

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    • T L
    • 25 November 2020 16:19 PM

    Agreed. Fed up with all these people making their problem my problem. What ever happened to saving for a rainy day? It’s live for today because someone else will always come to my rescue. Generation Snow Flakes need to grow up and take some responsibility for themselves.


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