A local authority has taken the unusual step of saying that a £600 surcharge will be added to the licensing costs of any landlord who fails to apply in time or who “falls short with other housing safety issues.”
Cherwell council says landlords who are found operating unlicensed HMOs, or who are not complying with the conditions of their current licence, will be charged up to £600 more for a new licence.
Non-compliant landlords can expect to pay up to £1,050 for a new licence, whereas compliant landlords can renew a five-year licence from £450 - or £650 for first time applications.
A council spokesman says: “The new fees structure encourages landlords to do the right thing for their tenants. Those who are doing well get rewarded, but anyone who chooses not to comply will pay a higher cost for their HMO licence.”
He adds: “The decision is backed up by a thorough review of what the real costs to the taxpayer are of licensing and enforcement activity. But the big picture is that we are working really hard to ensure this important sector of our housing market is high performing and well regulated.”
The council is also to offer what it calls “advisory visits” to landlords thinking of operating an HMO - for a fee.
Administrative fees charged for improvement notices, emergency remedial action and other enforcement measures are increased from £200 to £450.
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This is just another Government approved Money-making scam for Local Authorities. !
Govt have realised they don't have to fund L.A's appropriately and can just pass legislation allowing Councils to drum up charges and fleece Landlords, but
Guess where the cost is going to end up = Rents,
Nobody is telling tenants this and their Not getting the message that the vast majority of landlords and tenants are in a mutually acceptable ( PRIVATE ) Business arrangement. !
My local council has had licensing for a number of years. They introduced, as they claimed landlords were not maintaning property and there was significant anti-social behaviour. Among the licensing conditions was to provide refuge bins. Except, the licensing department failed to send a memo to the dustmen, to put the bins back outide my property. So I could be fined for a breach of licensing conditions for not providing bins, but if their bin men, leave my bins outside the wrong houses or even leave them in the middle of the street.
I also contacted the council about a water leak from an upstairs flat (which owned by another landlord). The council did nothing to help me. The leak went on for months. The council washed their hands of it and claimed it was a private matter between residents. So what is the point of me paying hundred of pounds in licensing fees??? All they are interested is collecting money. When you need they do nothing.
Another of my tenants was facing anti-social behaviour. Disturbances at night. Pop-up brothel. People coming in and out late at night, music, noise from laminate flooring. Drug dealing. We contacted the council and their anti-social behaviour hotline. They did nothing. Hopeless. They introduce license due to ASB, but when they have a case, they do nothing about it. The property was being used as temporary accommodation.
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