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Shelter wants enforcement against agents still charging illegal fees

Shelter is calling for stricter enforcement against letting agents in Northern Ireland which it claims are illegally charging tenants fees for their work.

Northern Ireland operates under different legislation to that applying to agents in England where the Tenant Fees Ban has been in operation for over a year; however, such charges have been illegal in NI for over 30 years and recent statements from ministers in Belfast’s devolved administration have made it clear such charges still being made by some agents should stop.

Shelter’s NI director - Tony McQuillan - says: “Shelter NI calls upon agents who have been making unlawful charges, to accept it is their responsibility to make every effort to repay those unlawful charges. 




“Shelter NI will continue to encourage and support individual students and tenants to request a return of any illegal charges and where necessary, encourage the use of the courts to obtain their refunds.” 

The charity says it’s currently working with six cases of students in Belfast who have allegedly been charged illegal fees by agents.


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