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Section 21: Lib Dems want government to finally scrap it

A Liberal Democrat bid is underway to accelerate the government timetable to scrap Section 21.

The Renters’ Rights Bill put forward by government already pledges to abolish S21 notices, reform the repossession process, create a ‘lifetime rental deposit’ and widen access to the so-called rogue landlords and rogue agents database.

However housing minister Christopher Pincher recently indicated that it may well be 2021 before the Bill is introduced into the House of Commons for debate.


And instead, the government has introduced temporary changes to the eviction court process to cope with Coronavirus restrictions.

This has angered opponents of S21 and now Lib Dem Baroness Olly Grender has taken the unusual step of invoking a little-known Parliamentary procedure known as a “prayer against.”

This seeks to scrap changes to the eviction processes introduced to cope with the Coronavirus backlog, known as Civil Procedure Rules.

Speaking to the i newspaper, Baroness Grender said of her tactic in the Lords: “This is the strongest opposition Parliament can take to the Civil Procedure Rules change – and we hope everyone will rally behind this. The Liberal Democrats will continue to hold this government to account and stand up for renters rights.

“Ministers have signed off for their summer holidays without so much as a backward glance at all the renters they have left in the lurch this summer … What the government should have done is fulfilled their election promise and scrapped no-fault evictions altogether, but instead they have just gone back to business as usual, allowing evictions of tenants with no explanation.

“The fact they snuck these rules out without guidance and without Parliamentary scrutiny demonstrates once again that for this government, renters will always be left behind.”

Another Baroness - Alicia Kennedy, the director of campaign group Generation Rent - is also quoted in the i saying: “These rules alone are worthless and will not help the vast majority of renters who are at risk of losing their home.

“Coronavirus has created a rent debt crisis, which is set to get worse as the furlough scheme is wound down. Renters who have been left out of government support schemes have now been left in the dark. The government must provide clarity on how renters affected by coronavirus will be protected from eviction and homelessness.”

The tactic used by Baroness Grender obliges the government to address the issue - however, there is a 40 day deadline, meaning it is unlikely to be debated until September, by which time evictions court processes will have resumed anyway.

  • icon
    • 27 July 2020 08:03 AM

    Seriously does anyone in the PRS expect Govt to assist LL from feckless rent defaulting tenants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????

    These tenants in normal times cost LL £9 billion in losses annually.
    Govt doesn't assist LL in such circumstances.

    All that is happening now will be substantially more billions of losses.

    There is simply no way that Govt will be do anything to assist LL.
    In case LL don't realise what is going on I'll tell them

    Govt has effectively nationalised your properties occupied by feckless rent defaulting tenants.
    Govt has seen to it that this effective nationalisation remains until you can evict your feckless tenants.

    Govt is saving billions in TA costs.

    Govt is not the slightest bit interested in LL.
    It would much prefer all LL to sell up.
    It doesn't care that there would be millions of homeless.
    It just wants small LL gone.

    So LL you are on your own.
    Govt will not do anything to assist you at all.
    Do your sums.
    Can you afford to maintain feckless rent defaulting tenants for potentially years.

    If you can't you really need to stop being a LL!!


    Tell the tenants to ask Shelter to pay their rent.

  • icon
    • 27 July 2020 09:56 AM

    Ahh! Yes that old Chestnut
    Shelter the housing charity that provides NO shelter


    I still am amazed that they are never challenged under Advertising Standards because they do not do what their name implies. Well unless you counting helping to house Polly in her nice house.

  • icon

    @LB how about you starting the ball rolling with a message to the advertising authorities to see if there is a way forward on your suggestion of outlawing the name Shelter as a non provider of any form of housing shelter?

    I am sure you will have plenty of support from the private landlord sector. Good luck on this one.


    I have tried twice to post the link to ASA but obviiously that is VERBOTTEN


    I have tried twice to post the link to ASA but obviiously that is VERBOTTEN. Not sure why that got posted mid-tyoe, but there you go.

    I am raising that issue with them now and I suggest as many as possible do the same - strength in numbers and all that!

    Just Google complain to ASA

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    This site doesn't allow links to be posted, you'll have to be a little ' creative '

  • icon

    The reality is the noble lord doesn’t have a prayer. If the measures were to be lifted as described, there would, for a short time, be no protection for renters - im not sure this is what she wants. I can only assume therefore, that she makes this application knowing full well it won’t succeed. The nrla have actually done a good job of getting the minister on side to prevent more draconian measures coming in.


    Begging for scraps, much? The NRLA are largely useless.

  • girish mehta

    Another one getting on bash the landlords Missing the point landlords need tanents they have invested their life savings to operate a business
    Why would you turn your customer away and be spiteful
    Section 24 will not help landlords or tanents
    Just a vote grabbing exercise

  • NW Soc

    I think you're missing the whole point. There are MORE renters who vote tory than Landlords. It all about being the party of generation rent to gain their votes.
    Also, over 78% of public donations to Shelter pay for fancy offices and large salaries.

    PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Tax-payers, through the Govt pay a third of Shelters annual income.


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