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Local authority wants agent and landlord contact ahead of evictions

A local authority has launched a free service seeking to avoid evictions.

New Forest council says its new 'Call Before You Serve' programme is a free service providing agents and landlords with advice and support to help prevent eviction notices being issued. 

The CBYS programme offers a financial assessment to help tenants maximise their income, and a personalised housing plan which will be agreed by the tenant in conjunction with the agent or landlord. 


Landlords will also be able to contact the service for help and advice on leasing their properties through the council.  

Councillor Jill Cleary, deputy leader, says: "We have introduced this new service to support landlords and tenants with the aim of preventing evictions and homelessness, and hope to follow the success of other councils in the country with similar initiatives. 

“Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have received feedback from landlords in the district that the eviction process has increased in length and cost. 

"We urge people to seek help as soon as possible, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, so we can help keep people in their homes, support landlords in securing reliable tenancies, and mediate between parties to resolve any tenancy issues. 

"By working with landlords and tenants earlier in the process, we hope to prevent tenancies breaking down, and the distress and costs resulting from this. Our Call Before You Serve programme will help landlords and tenants by providing advice when rent is not paid and by offering referrals to specialist services when the need for long-term support is identified."  

  • Roger  Mellie

    Agents and Landlords want the local authorities to stop telling delinquent tenants to stay put until the bailiffs arrive. We can't all have what we want New Forest council.

  • Theodor Cable

    They (local authorities) should be ashamed of themselves when they tell defaulting tenants to stay in the property until the bailiffs come to the door.

    Everybody looses with this dumb system: Tenants, LLs and local authorities spend gazillions on poor accommodation for the evicted at the very last moment.

    They generally end up in in grubby hotels, that the local authorities pay extortionate prices because they are the only places that are available at such short notice.

  • icon

    How can they maximise peoples income?


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