A PropTech supplier says that financial worries for renters have not been placated by the current ban on bailiff-enforced evictions.
In a survey - relatively small, involving just 200 tenants - PayPoint found that fears amongst private tenants had risen since July 2020.
Nearly 50 per cent says they are now concerned for their long-term financial wellbeing, a rise of 14 per cent in the past six months.
PayPoint extrapolates these findings and says they suggest as many as two million households could be worrying about keeping a roof over their head in the long term.
Danny Vant, client services director for the firm, says: “This time a year ago we could never have predicted the intense uncertainty families are facing today. Renters have found themselves in extremely challenging positions through no fault of their own.
“Whilst on the whole, landlords and housing associations are doing everything they can to support these people and their families, the longer the pandemic curbs the economy, the harder it is for everyone to find a means of financial survival.”
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Another advertorial. If they had surveyed a small sample of just 200 mortgage payers, they would probably have the same findings.
Guess what, Danny Vant, these are worrying times!
I would be more surprised if people weren't worried about their finances.
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