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Ditch AirBnb and we’ll charge you nothing - agency offer to landlords

Another lettings agency is offering a major incentive to landlords switching from Airbnb to traditional long term rentals.

Hills Lettings, a south east London-based lettings agency, is offering its lettings service free of charge to any landlord ditching AirBnb and wishing to let on an assured shorthold tenancy for a term of six months or more.

The agency says London renters are facing a looming housing crisis, as Airbnb listings in the capital’s suburbs have increased by what it calls “an astonishing fifteen-fold” since 2015. 


There are now more than 100,000 properties in London listed on Airbnb, and Hills says this is taking away valuable long-term rentals from those living in the capital. 

“As many as a quarter are thought to be in breach of the 90 day limit imposed by City Hall” the agency claims.

Agency Principal Simon Ward says the online home-sharing app may have promised to disrupt the hotel industry, but is actually disrupting housing and communities.

"Holiday and short lets are having a profound effect on locals wanting to rent a home. Every property given over to Airbnb creates additional pressure on members of our community hunting for somewhere to live” he says.

The firm is also providing guidance to would-be converts. 

Ward continues: “It's not enough to simply make an offer, we'll back it up by offering free advice on letting out a property and no-obligation valuations to anyone interested. 

“Many Airbnb landlords will be surprised how little difference switching would make financially. The lower per-night rate is often offset by the lack of void periods."

Landlords taking the first step can get an instant online valuation of their property from Hills or contact Ward directly on 020 3305 6535.

This is not the first such offer as the shortage of long term rental stock impacts the sector.

Earlier this month Dan Roskilly, head of RDR Estates in Cornwall, teamed up with local removals firm Crago Moves to offer landlords discounts if they switch.

The firms will waive fees for clients wanting to change an Airbnb or holiday let into a long term let. The pair have promised that an interested landlord can get the property appraised, a tenant found and the old furnishings sold without a fee.

  • Billy the Fish

    I’d be very interested to see how this incentive goes as SA service providers are extremely bullish about their side of the industry at the moment. With a weak £ making overseas trips to uk more affordable and staycation being a thing in its 2nd year I can see why.
    Ukraine, the coming recession, potential landlord tax loopholes being closed as with PRS in 2017 and local councils opinion’s on loss of housing may have a say too.

  • Lisa Williamson

    And that's not to mention the potential nightmare and expense landlord's may encounter in trying to evict an AST tenant at the end of the tenancy or for antisocial behaviour/rent arrears etc.

  • icon

    It’s not surprising that AirBnB has increased.
    The way the government and charities are battering landlords. I feel that tenants have more rights than hard working Landlords. TV programs highlighting slum landlords what about tenants who abuse their rented property and say oh I didn’t pay rent because the landlord has not made the repairs. I recently watched such a TV programme, tenant withheld rent to the tune of £9k however when social services got involved on the tenants behalf it was clear the tenant who was on benefits was unreasonable. Landlord did the repairs social services satisfied. Tenant was able to continue to rent. Believe it or not when the arrears was raised she had to enter into a payment plan. If she was truthfully withholding rent in order to get maintenance done why did she not have her withheld rent in the bank. Very cheap renting for some months this is not acceptable. Why is it there are bodies organisations /government who expect landlords to give all the time, but where is the deterrent to tenants not to abuse the property and not to ignore ttheir agreements which is to keep the rented property in reasonable condition.
    Rant over

  • icon

    It would be a move in the right direction if social services are more even handed, i.e. also instructed the tenant that the rent should be available when the repairs were done Surely it should be part of Social services to education the tenant and inform them of their obligations as they do when they deal with landlords it would appear tenants have rights this is the message sent from the top and supported by other organisations like shelter


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