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Activists call ‘Day of Action’ in protest at rental reform slowdown

A coalition of tenant activists has called a Day of Action to protest at delays in the government’s rental reform agenda.

The Renters Reform Coalition - a group of 20 campaigning organisations including Generation Rent and anti-landlord and anti-letting agent body Acorn - says in a statement that private renting “has never been less affordable and less secure than it is right now.”

It continues: “Despite this, the Government has STILL not made good on its 2019 promise to end ‘no-fault’ evictions.


“Tenants are still forced to live in fear, knowing that if they ask their landlord to do the bare minimum in terms of standards, or if they challenge a rent increase, they can just be evicted – out in the cold for exerting their rights.”

The activists say their proposed day of action - which will involve a March in London - “will pressure the Government to end the renting crisis and bring forward the Renters Reform Bill now!”

The coalition, which is led by the Generation Rent group, promises “an exciting day of activities” including panels and advice events and time to lobby MPs.

There will also be a petition handed in to 10 Downing Street.

The coalition’s statement concludes: “What difference will it make?

“You will be taking part in one of the largest coordinated political actions taken by private renters in UK history. With your help, we can force the Government to take notice of the support for rental reform!”

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    If "rental reform" is speeded up then landlords will just serve section 21 notices more quickly. It is quite clear that many landlords are not prepared to lose control of their properties, and would prefer to sell them rather than have sitting tenants.

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    Do these people not realise that all they are doing is driving landlords out of the PRS due to all the legislation, if a landlord thinks he cannot get possession of his property he is going to sell it now and that then causes more demand on the already short supply

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    If they put as much effort into genuine work, think how well off the country would be. I feel sorry for them in a way, having such a blinkered and narrow minded view of the world.

  • Kristjan Byfield

    If they think the rental market is tough now, just wait. They've been warned but won't listen. Wait until the warnings come to fruition and they double-down on their blame game.


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