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Propertymark on board with new Private Rental Sector group

Propertymark’s policy and campaigns director is one of the founding members of a body called the Landlord Leaders Community, which has just released a mission statement about its work in the private rental sector.

Set up by finance firm OSB Group, the body has 13 founding members, including Propertymark’s Timothy Douglas.

The others include one lettings agent and a landlord, with the rest from financial services. 


The body has revealed a mission statement which includes what it calls its four ‘areas of focus’ - education, communication, collaboration and a positive industry perception.

A publicity statement from the organisation says: “Despite ongoing challenges, the Landlord Leaders Community believes that the future of the private rented sector remains bright. But more needs to be done to unite a fragmented industry, to encourage collaboration and better communication, putting tenants at the heart of everything the industry does. Buy-to-let is not just any business, it is one with huge social implications.”

It continues: “At its core, the community continues its aim to bring the industry together, promote professionalism, foster closer tenant/landlord relationships, encourage fairness and transparency and to spread a positive message about the future of the private rented sector in the UK.” 

Jon Hall - OSB Group’s managing director for mortgages and savings - says: “The Landlord Leaders community stands at the forefront of a transformative journey within the private sector, and as a founding member, we’re delighted to deliver this mission statement outlining our ongoing commitment to continue to develop a positive change within the private rented sector for all stakeholders.

“The prevailing sentiment from the discussion was that the but-to-let sector is not dead, in fact, far from it. There are opportunities for us to make more of, and the current shifts in the market will allow those who are truly passionate about positive change to thrive. A sustainable future for the industry is not possible without collaboration and education for everyone, no matter what role they play.

“As part of the Landlord Leaders Community, OSB Group are committed to continue our strong support for the creation of a positive future for the private rented sector.”

You can see the website here.

  • Matthew Payne

    10/13 from financial services. Hmmmmm....wonder what the angle here maybe...


    Follow the money,


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