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Graham Awards


Call for a new Ministry of Housing with long-term minister

The next Government should create a separate Ministry of Housing and encourage MPs of all parties to work together to solve the country’s property crisis. 

That’s the verdict of one property industry commentator who says the next Prime Minister needs to make housing a priority from day one, with a ministry that is not - as now - part of a wider department covering Levelling Up and Communities.

Jonathan Rolande of the National Association of Property Buyers says: “There is one issue which millions of people can agree on, and that’s the importance of addressing the country’s housing crisis.  There is a chronic shortage in the supply of new homes which is denying an entire generation the right to own their own property. 


“This, in turn, is leading to rental prices in some areas soaring to new highs. We are now seeing situations, regularly, where dozens of people are fighting to let a very average property for a staggering sum, just so they can get a roof over their head. 

“This isn’t sustainable.  And it’s not acceptable. That’s why the very first priority from day one, for whoever wins the Election, must be to start building new homes.” 

He says the next housing minister must be in it “for the long haul” and not subject to frequent changes as has been the case for the past two decades. “We need stability and a long term strategy that delivers change and which provides solutions to our housing crisis” he adds.

Rolande has also backed calls made by some political parties for a transformation of the planning application system that stifles builders, for incentives given to older owner occupiers to downsize, and a great determination put into new house building.

Meanwhile agents’ body Propertymark has released its analysis of the housing policies put forward by all major parties for next week’s election. 

Chief executive Nathan Emerson comments: “It is encouraging to see house-building targets taken seriously, especially with the realisation that more social homes are required so that people have access to a greater range of housing.

“The planning process can be a huge obstacle in keeping pace with demand, and change is desperately needed to serve a growing population. Many buyers have had a tough time since the 2008 recession, and any future strategy must include a sustainable mix of affordable housing options for both buyers and renters.

“Any renewed ambition to pick back up on the Renters Reform Bill must come with full disclosure and a workable timeline regarding vital court reform before aspects such as Section 21 evictions can sensibly be abolished.

“Ultimately, we need a fully robust supply of new sustainable housing that keeps pace with an ever-growing demand.”

You can see the Propertymark analysis here.


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