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KEYWORD "Freedom Of Information" - 38 RESULTS
Labour bid to turn renters into owners will fail, warns finance firm

New Freedom of Information (FOI) data from the Financial Conduct Authority shows that Labour’s plan to introduce a ‘Freedom to Buy’...

22 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Tory says councils lose out by levying second home taxes

A politician is claiming that second home council tax premiums, where owners pay up to double the normal rate, is resulting...

01 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents slam government for failing to win industry support for reform

The Renters Reform Bill cannot succeed without proper engagement with letting agents and landlords, Propertymark argues.    According to a Freedom of Information...

31 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent controls and EPC laws must be discussed with agents - Propertymark

Scottish councils must engage with letting agents and landlords if radical rental reforms have any chance of working. Propertymark argues that the...

31 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent claims Black people victimised by “outdated” Vagrancy Act

A group of rental activists claims that police in England are disproportionately using a 19th century law that criminalises rough sleeping...

28 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Figures lift lid on growing foreign investment in UK property

A lettings agency claims foreign homeowners are sitting on £84.2 billion worth of property across England and Wales - but with...

14 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Agency figure warns government not to scare off landlords

A senior Savills figure, who chairs the trade body known as The Lettings Industry Council, has issued a warning to the...

29 November 2022

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today – supporting smarter, more streamlined enforcement with PropTech

Housing is back on the political agenda with a bang. The government’s new Levelling Up White Paper sets out sweeping reforms...

23 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Pandemic delays review of tenant fees ban in Wales

The Welsh Government has revealed that it hasn’t had time to evaluate its tenant fee ban due to the pandemic. Tenant fees...

21 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Was agent fined merely for helping his mother manage a property?

A bizarre fine imposed on a managing agent by a local authority appears to have been reversed because the council flouted...

18 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Fifth of city’s private rental homes have serious problems - claim

A council claims that as many as a fifth of all the private rental sector homes in its area have a...

07 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Over 50 councils in England alone now operate licensing schemes

Research by the National Residential Landlords Association and the Which? consumer body has revealed that some 53 councils in England alone...

21 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Activists angry at councils not taking action over 'unsafe' homes

Pressure group Generation Rent claims half of London’s councils did not fine any landlords for letting out unsafe homes in the...

06 March 2020

From: Breaking News

 HMRC grabs millions in latest clampdown on buy to let

It’s been revealed that a clampdown on the buy to let sector by HM Revenue and Customs has produced millions of...

17 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Humiliation for government as rogues’ database is largely ignored

The government’s hugely-publicised database for rogue letting agents and landlords has been running for almost two years and has…wait for it…just...

07 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Shock warning that agents could be sued under selective licensing laws

A long-term legal critic of selective licensing is warning that letting agents could be held jointly accountable with the landlords, -...

22 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Cut licensing red tape! Trade group wants simpler, better-enforced system

Research by safeagent - the new name for the National Approved Letting Scheme - has found over 130,000 unlicensed properties in...

14 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue letting agents scandal is sign of bad enforcement says trade body

Last week’s revelation that approaching 50 per cent of letting agents surveyed in London were in breach of the law is...

17 September 2019

From: Breaking News

'Local councils not doing enough to prosecute rogue letting agents' - NLA

Local authorities are failing in their duty to prosecute criminal letting agents, the National Landlords Association (NLA) has warned. The NLA says...

04 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Banning Orders Flop: not even one issued after 12 months

A Freedom of Information request by The Guardian newspaper has produced the startling admission from government that not even one landlord...

17 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Human Habitation law takes effect today - but not everyone is happy...

Today the long-awaited Homes (Fitness For Human Habitation) Act comes into force, pioneered by Labour MP Karen Buck and giving people...

20 March 2019

From: Breaking News

HMRC still on Buy To Let warpath, despite campaign flop - warning

There is a warning that the HMRC’s Let Property campaign, which received huge publicity and attention for some years, has so...

14 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour outrage at councils renting back privately-owned Right To Buy homes

The Labour party has expressed outrage at the news that London councils are spending over £22m each year renting back homes...

21 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Shock figures show councils unable to enforce HMO regulations

Shock figures released by an insurance company suggest that councils are woefully unable to police new regulations regarding mandatory HMO licensing. Figures...

06 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Licensing: councils slammed for failing to police their own schemes

Two thirds of local authorities in England and Wales brought no prosecutions against private landlords in 2017/18 according to research by the...

29 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Good news - under 1% of tenancies end with deposit disputes

Fewer than one per cent of private tenancies end in a dispute over the deposit - and the figure is this...

22 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Councils accused of inadequately policing private rental sector

Almost 60 per cent of councils across Britain have not prosecuted any landlord for any offence in the past year according...

31 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Majority of councils failing to police compulsory fee disclosure

Research by the National Approved Letting Scheme (NALS) has identified that some 93% of local authorities have failed to issue a...

06 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Agent reveals 6,000 private rental complaints - only one prosecution

A prominent campaigning letting agent has discovered that more than 6,000 tenants in one region alone have complained to local authorities...

08 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Trade body repeats call for private rental sector 'housing court'

The Residential Landlords Association has repeated its calls for a new housing court “to speed up justice for landlords and tenants.”   The...

27 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Section 21: few tenants and councils use new powers - claim

A BBC survey claims that powers to combat so-called ‘revenge evictions’ are not being used by the majority of councils in...

10 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Massive variation in councils' lettings sector enforcement action

Councils in eight of London's 32 boroughs have failed to prosecute even a single landlord for providing unsafe accommodation during the...

02 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Small number of agents and landlords in controversial training scheme

With just nine weeks to go before the deadline, only a small proportion of Welsh agents and landlords have registered for...

29 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Details of 12,000 BTL owners removed from website pending investigation

The details of 12,000 buy to let landlords - posted online by a council following a Freedom of Information request -...

27 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Councils condemned by trade body over poor lettings regulations

The Residential Landlords’ Association has revealed what it calls “worryingly low levels of enforcement of rented housing regulations” by local authorities. Using...

29 April 2016

From: Breaking News

Industry body and controversial council at loggerheads over licensing scheme

Liverpool council has completed only 648 of 39,100 licence applications by landlords in the first six months of its controversial scheme.  The...

04 February 2016

From: Breaking News

38% of Right To Buy homes end up in private rental sector

Nearly 40 per cent of all homes sold under Right To Buy in England have gone on to become buy to...

17 August 2015

From: Breaking News

Critics say Right To Rent pilot has been a failure

In the nine months since new Right To Rent immigration checks have been implemented across the West Midlands only seven landlords...

10 August 2015

From: Breaking News

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