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KEYWORD "Parkers" - 20 RESULTS
The Property Franchise Group new deal worth £5m more than early reports

More details have emerged of the deal - reported on Letting Agent Today and Sky News on Sunday - for Property...

04 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Another independent agency snapped up by franchise giant’s brand

Parkers franchisee Craig Pearson claims to have added a “substantial” number of properties to his Reading branch portfolio after buying an...

04 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Two of the largest lettings agencies propose to merge

The Property Franchise Group, the UK's largest property franchise brand, wants to merge with long-time rival Belvoir. Both are listed on the...

10 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Seventh branch opens for lettings and sales franchise trio

Less than a year since opening the sixth branch of sales and lettings agency Parkers, one of the brand’s most successful...

30 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Lettings boom helps franchise brands offset sales falls

Increased lettings income proved a valuable balance to a declining sales market for The Property Franchise Group in the first half...

03 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Thousand extra properties under management for franchise giant

The Property Franchise Group - which includes a host of High Street brands - saw a rise in managed properties of...

14 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Lettings income saves the day for franchise agency brands

The Property Franchise Group says it’s increased the size of its lettings portfolio by around 1,000 units over the past year...

05 August 2022

From: Breaking News

New branch opens as franchisees celebrate three years with brand

The franchise owners of a Parkers branch have marked their third year under the brand by opening a second office. Brendan and...

23 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency giant announces huge jump in managed properties

The Property Franchise Group says that in the past year the number of managed properties it handles has risen from 58,000...

06 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Massive rise on managed properties for agency group

The Property Franchise Group now manages in excess of 74,000 rental properties on behalf of landlords, according to a new trading...

02 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Franchise holder rapidly expands to fifth office in nearby area

An agent who six months ago expanded his franchise empire to four branches has now added a fifth. Craig Pearson, who opened the...

17 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Fourth office opens for expanding south east franchise brand

South East of England sales and lettings agency Parkers is continuing to expand across Berkshire with the opening of a new...

08 June 2021

From: Breaking News

New mega-agency will manage over 70,000 tenanted properties

The takeover of Hunters by The Property Franchise Group means the combined operations will manage over 70,000 tenanted properties across the...

29 January 2021

From: Breaking News

New franchise branch owners as parent firm's takeover talks go on

Three property specialists have joined forces to launch a new branch of franchise brand Martin & Co. Directors Andrew Rowson and Lindsey...

26 January 2021

From: Breaking News

‘We beat the fees ban’ - franchisees see revenue growth

The Property Franchise Group, which has a string of major agency brands, has reported a strong performance in 2019 despite the...

29 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Franchise group hikes charges to landlords by 10% because of fees ban

The Property Franchise Group has issued an upbeat trading statement indicating that it’s mitigated much of the financial impact of the...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

New boost for flatfair as it teams up with independent agents’ trade body

Flatfair, one of the leading deposit alternative providers fighting it out for dominance in the burgeoning sector, has scored a coup...

06 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Franchise Group brand snaps up another independent agency

A branch of national agency Parkers has bolstered its managed portfolio by acquiring independent company Samuel James. Parkers’ Reading branch has also...

06 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Franchise Group brand snaps up independent agency’s lets

Oxfordshire sales and lettings agency Parkers - one of the brands of The Property Franchise Group - has snapped up the...

04 January 2019

From: Breaking News

The secret’s out: Franchise giant explains acquisitions success

A series of acquisitions by The Property Franchise Group this year has added over 3,000 managed properties to its portfolio this year...

15 August 2018

From: Breaking News

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