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KEYWORD "Scottish Government" - 100 RESULTS
Disastrous Rent Controls - leading portal hits out at politicians

One of the largest lettings portals in Scotland is warning that plans by the government north of the border to introduce rent...

28 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Agent’s alarm call to politicians - change course on rent controls

One of the UK’s most high profile lettings agents is calling on politicians to change course on rent controls. David Alexander of...

22 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents slam politicians for new law allowing rent controls

Propertymark has come out with a strongly-worded statement accusing politicians in the Scottish Parliament of ignoring the industry’s views on rent...

20 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour housebuilding targets should be copied, lettings chief demands

Scotland needs to match Labour’s English housebuilding target to tackle the country’s housing emergency according to a high profile lettings agency...

12 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Huge numbers of empty homes discovered as rental supply falls

An insurance firm’s analysis of official figures show there are now no fewer than 760,821 vacant properties in England, Scotland and...

02 July 2024

From: Breaking News

 Stop Killing Market with Rent Controls, agents tell minister

Propertymark has urged Scotland’s new First Minister to end the country’s housing emergency. John Swinney is now First Minister and says he...

08 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Political Chaos is perfect time to ditch rent controls - housing bodies

The political chaos in Scotland presents sensible politicians with an ideal chance to resent housing policies and ditch rent controls. That’s the...

29 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Toxic attitude to Private Renting may now change, hopes lettings chief

A prominent lettings agency operator says he hopes the “toxic” attitude to the private rental sector by the Scottish Government may...

26 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Warning: rental reform could mean rewriting tenancy agreements

A lawyer says radical rental reforms proposed for Scotland - which could be a model for change in England and Wales...

16 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents Furious at Permanent Rent Controls proposed by politicians

Agents have expressed their anger at permanent rent controls proposed by the SNP and Green Party politicians running the Scottish Government. The...

28 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent Control architect threatens new package of ‘reforms’

The politician widely regarded as being the architect of rent controls in Scotland says he will shortly present a wider package...

27 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Investor and landlord purchases rise, despite soaring taxes

The largest lettings agency in Scotland says purchases by landlords and other investor buyers in that country have risen sharply despite...

20 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents’ single demand of government - solve the housing emergency!

Propertymark has urged the Scottish Government to resolve the country’s ongoing housing emergency. The news comes as Scottish Labour MSP Mark Griffin...

20 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent controls and EPC laws must be discussed with agents - Propertymark

Scottish councils must engage with letting agents and landlords if radical rental reforms have any chance of working. Propertymark argues that the...

31 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Shock figure reveals tax burden paid by private rental sector

Property taxes in Scotland exceeded £600m over the last year according to analysis of the latest statistics by the country’s largest...

17 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Top agent slams latest rent control move as costly and complex

New rent control proposals put forward by politicians are unnecessary and too costly according to a leading property expert.  David Alexander -...

12 January 2024

From: Breaking News

No Rent Controls! Agents pledge to continue campaign

Propertymark has urged its members who feel frustrated by the changes to the Scottish Government’s so-called Cost of Living regulations ending...

11 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Details emerge of permanent rent control proposal

The controversial minister who steered rent controls through the Scottish Parliament has contacted Propertymark to reveal details of the next stage. Patrick...

05 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Insurance Register must be free to use to help rental sector - ARLA

ARLA Propertymark has responded to the Scottish Parliament’s examination of the Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill, calling for clarity on contributions...

29 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Agent unhappy at “missed opportunity” to help rental and other housing sectors

One of the UK’s leading lettings agents is bemoaning what he calls “the missed opportunity “ to help the rental sector...

22 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents slam government house building failures as rental supply drops

Propertymark has urged the Scottish Government to build more affordable homes. The latest data from the Scottish Government itself shows that the...

21 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Fairer Rental Sector is key Propertymark demand for Budget

Propertymark has laid out its proposals to the Scottish Government ahead of its 2024-25 Budget next week. The letting agents’ trade body...

15 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Expensive rental eco-heat scheme needs rethink - top agent

A consultation to introduce boilers into homes and the private rented sector needs ‘more carrot than stick’ according to a prominent...

07 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Agent says second home clampdown is no answer to long-term shortage

The long-term shortage of rental accommodation is now addressed by a short-term clampdown on second homes and empty properties, a leading...

30 November 2023

From: Breaking News

New energy efficiency U-turn welcomed by leading agency

It looks like more politicians are preparing a U-turn on energy efficiency rules for the private rental sector. Media reports indicate there...

24 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents get angry with pro-rent control politicians

Propertymark has issued a strongly-worded statement aimed at politicians demanding rent controls. Labour Members of the Scottish Parliament have urged the declaration...

24 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Politicians told - You’re wrong on additional homes tax surcharge

Propertymark has told politicians that an additional homes tax will not succeed in increasing housing supply. Timothy Douglas, head of policy and...

23 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents continue campaign against rent controls despite legal setback

Propertymark says it’s delivering a powerful message to the Scottish Government - despite losing a recent key legal case. The agents trade...

09 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls - Eco-activists jubilant after agents suffer legal setback

The Scottish Greens - who are in effect the architects of rent controls north of the border - have welcomed a...

06 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Shock as Rent Controls backed by Judicial Review decision

There’s been widespread dismay in the industry as the outcome of a Judicial Review has backed the Scottish Government’s objective of...

03 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Build To Rent ‘may get favourable treatment’ on rent legislation

A controversial consultation document about rent controls is proposing that Build To Rent operators be exempt from the caps which may...

13 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Control proposals slammed by prominent industry commentator

Proposals for rent controls made in a government consultation document have been slammed by a prominent industry commentator and PropTech entrepreneur. The...

06 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Council Tax set to double for second homes

The Scottish Government is proposing to give local councils the discretion to charge Council Tax premiums of up to 100 per...

22 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Airbnb supply 'slashed 80% by new controls' - report bombshell

A report being considered by a council says one of the UK’s biggest cities could see an 80 per cent collapse in...

24 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Incentives for private rental sector could help cut homelessness - claim

The private rental sector could play a far greater role in helping to end homelessness in Scotland, according to a new...

21 August 2023

From: Breaking News

EPCs and Energy Efficiency - agents to discuss issue this autumn

A consultation setting out proposals to reform domestic and non-domestic energy performance certificates has been opened by the Scottish Government.  It feels...

10 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Strict Airbnb controls still on the agenda says politician

The Scottish Government does not intend to abandon its licensing scheme for Airbnbs and other short term lets, nor to delay...

20 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls backfire - Propertymark speaks out

Propertymark has given details of how it believes the Scottish Government rent control system has backfired and works against the interests...

11 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill measures may be extended - BBC report

The BBC says discussions are underway to extend the Renters Reform Bill to specifically outlaw any rental listing banning families and benefit recipients...

06 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Governments slammed for rushing blindly into Airbnb regulation

A trade body has criticised the various UK governments for “rushing blindly” into poorly-constructed regulation of short lets. The angry words from...

12 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Fight Back Against Rent Controls - rallying call to agents

Two prominent trade bodies representing elements of the private rental sector are fighting back against the latest attempt to impose rent...

09 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls extended despite Propertymark opposition

The Scottish Government looks set to extend its rent cap for yet another six months, despite widespread opposition from the lettings...

05 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Private rental sector still a big money-earner for tax authorities

Investors and second home buyers contributed over a quarter of all property taxes in the last year according to a property...

02 June 2023

From: Breaking News

New consultation on second home council tax hikes

A new consultation by one of the national governments within the UK advocates giving more councils power to make huge rises...

04 May 2023

From: Breaking News

So Much For Rent Controls - figures show increases, not falls

Property portal Citylets says average rents in Scotland rose 12.4 per cent in the past year to £1,007 per month -...

27 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Agent blasts government over huge second home tax increase

An agent has spoken out about a proposal to allow huge council tax rises on second homes and empty properties. New Scottish...

18 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Agency uncovers big fall in property taxes

Revenue from property taxes in Scotland has dropped significantly so far this year, according to a prominent lettings agency.  DJ Alexander Ltd...

12 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Politicians blasted for ‘lack of balance’ in private rental sector policies

One of Scotland’s largest lettings agencies is voicing concern over what it calls “the lack of balance” in the Scottish government’s...

04 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Review taxes and boost supply - agents’ message to new party leader

Propertymark has given advice to the new Scottish National Party leader and Scotland’s First Minister, Humza Yousaf. The trade group’s head of...

29 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Political wannabes wrong to blame holiday lets, claims top agent

A prominent lettings agent has criticised leading candidates for the leadership of the Scottish National Party for anti-holiday let policies. David Alexander,...

03 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Extra tax on buy to lets can help housing be ‘more equal’ - claim

The political party propping up the Scottish Government says higher taxes on buy to lets will help the housing market be...

31 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents tell government - get your act together

Propertymark has told a UK government to stop ignore the damaging effect of its policies on the private rental sector. An outspoken...

27 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Not Enough! Six per cent rent rise cap is too harsh, agents warn

The U-turn by politicians in Scotland who ended a complete rent freeze doesn’t go far enough, says Propertymark. At the end of...

24 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Propertymark backs legal challenge to government rent controls

Propertymark is one of three lettings organisations behind a bid to get a Judicial Review of the Scottish Government’s rent controls...

23 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze U-turn welcomed by leading agent

Ruling politicians in Scotland have agreed that from April private rents can rise by 3.0 per cent in a 12 month period...

20 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Freeze - Political dogma or Genuinely needed?

An influential housing body has criticised the Green and SNP politicians behind the Scottish Government’s rent cap, which has been renewed...

19 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents on warpath over increasing additional property tax threat

Propertymark chief executive Nathan Emerson has personally written to  a leading politician about a tax threat to the rental sector.  Emerson has...

18 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Freeze and Eviction Ban to continue until autumn at least

The controversial ban on private rental sector rent rises and evictions is to continue in Scotland for another six months at...

16 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Don't Demonise Private Rentals - agent attacks government's woeful record

A prominent lettings agent has resumed his attack on politicians for failing to build sufficient numbers of social housing properties -...

04 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Buy To Let Tax Surcharge - agent puts politician on the spot

One of the politicians backing a tax surcharge on the purchase of second homes and buy to lets has been put...

30 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze threat ‘stopping large-scale housing developments’

A prominent businessman has told the Scottish media that the country’s rent freeze policy has led to two major housing schemes...

29 December 2022

From: Breaking News

AirBnb Victory? - short lets register is delayed six months

It’s been announced that a deadline for existing hosts on AirBnb and other short let platforms to register with the Scottish...

22 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Buy To Let tax rise - agents angry at damage to rental sector

Letting agents in Scotland are angry at the Scottish Government for increasing the tax surcharge on buyers of buy to lets...

20 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax on buy to lets and second homes up to 6% - will rest of UK follow suit?

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - the Scottish equivalent of stamp duty - has risen to six per cent for all...

16 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Actual rent rises may be below figures in surveys - claim

PropTech firm PayProp UK claims actual rent rises may be well below those suggested in some surveys. In response to the Scottish...

15 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent controls forcing landlords to consider quitting - Propertymark

No fewer than 85 per cent of letting agents say that landlord clients have expressed a wish to sell up in...

14 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Agent claims high tax may make part of the UK ‘too expensive’

The tax on property purchased in one part of the UK has reached a new record figure - and a top...

07 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Freeze - time for agents to say what they REALLY think

Agents have only until the end of tomorrow, December 2, to feed into Propertymark’s response to a new consultation on the...

01 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Short Lets Licensing: Another council introduces regulation

Airbnb-style short-lets in another part of Scotland are to be subject to new licensing rules. The scheme, introduced by the Scottish Government,...

29 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Letting agents accused of pushing landlords into raising rents

A so-called Renters Union is organising a day of action after claiming letting agents are behind recent rent rises. London Renters Union...

14 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls Fail Worldwide - agent lists disastrous consequences

A lettings agency chief has listed how rent controls have failed across the world. Writing in The Scotsman, David Alexander - chief...

14 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency plays down impact of rent freeze and evictions ban

A lettings agency in Scotland has played down the impact of the emergency rent freeze and eviction ban which have been...

20 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent controls crush hopes for thousands of affordable homes

A Labour peer who was to have invested £1 billion in affordable homes has halted his scheme because of the threat...

19 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Angry reaction against rent freeze which could last 18 months

There’s been a wide range of angry reactions to the Scottish Government’s passing of an emergency rent freeze and eviction ban...

10 October 2022

From: Breaking News

More politicians demand rent freeze and evictions ban

Welsh nationalists have called for a rent freeze and eviction ban to emulate that happening now in Scotland. Plaid Cymru, the party...

07 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Don't you dare freeze rents - agents' body tells politicians

Propertymark says there’s already been a decline in the number of homes available for rent in Scotland because of rising costs...

06 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze fast-tracked and may last much longer than expected

Emergency legislation containing a private sector rent freeze is to be debated by Scottish politicians this week - and the surprise...

05 October 2022

From: Breaking News

First AirBnb and short let licensing system starts this weekend

The first step within the UK to officially monitor Airbnb-style short lets comes into effect on Saturday, which is October 1. Scotland’s...

29 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Lobby politicians to stop rent controls killing supply - agency chief

The Belvoir Group is warning that the housing crisis within the Scottish private rental sector is rapidly worsening, thanks to the...

22 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze already damaging key rental investment - claim

The Times says some Build to Rent investment has been paused as a result of the rent freeze imposed by the...

22 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Outspoken agency boss renews attack on politicians

A high profile agent has renewed his attack on politicians. David Alexander - who heads up DJ Alexander, part of the Lomond...

14 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent freeze “chaos” as politician cannot give details - claim

* Angels Media and Letting Agent Today are deeply saddened by the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II * - The controversial rent...

09 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Freeze Update - webinar next week for letting agents

* Angels Media and Letting Agent Today are deeply saddened by the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II * - Rightmove will host...

09 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Prominent Truss-backer speaks out against rent controls

A prominent supporter of new Prime Minister Liz Truss has spoken out against rent controls.  Veteran Conservative MP Sir John Redwood, who...

08 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Activists demand rent freeze and eviction ban in England next

Activist renters want Liz Truss to follow Scotland’s lead and introduce a rent freeze and eviction ban.  The emergency measures - announced...

07 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Agent lashes out at “cheap political points” by rent freeze fanatics

A prominent lettings agency chief executive has lashed out at the “cheap political points” being scored by politicians in Scotland who...

07 September 2022

From: Breaking News

New Airbnb controls are condemned by trade body

The UK Short Term Accommodation Association says the Scottish Government’s backing of a bid to control short lets in Edinburgh could...

01 September 2022

From: Breaking News

‘Major uncertainty’ for agents caused by reform proposals in Scotland

Propertymark has once again hit out at reforms to the private rental sector being implemented by the Scottish Government. The government -...

30 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Council buying homes to stop them becoming Airbnbs

A council has purchased some 40 properties to avoid them becoming holiday homes and Airbnbs. Highland council in Scotland is spending up...

27 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Lion’s Den! Rent control advocate to speak at letting agents’ conference

The politician who is arguably the country’s most powerful advocate of rent controls is to address a Propertymark conference. Patrick Harvie, Scotland’s...

14 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Reform is “a dark day for private rental sector” says Propertymark

Scotland’s new Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill - passed this week by politicians at Holyrood - represents a dark day...

01 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Pressure mounts on politicians to relax proposed eviction rules change

Another prominent industry voice is warning of the dangers of the Scottish Government’s new eviction policies. So far the National Residential Landlords...

30 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Agents’ body queries ability of courts to cope with possessions

Propertymark is questioning whether the Scottish Government is adequately funding the First-tier Tribunal to cope with any extra demand placed on...

29 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls - body discussing implementation recruits top agency figure

A Parliamentary group currently investigating the possible implementation of rent controls is to be joined by a senior figure from Propertymark. The...

07 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent’s “misleading analysis” slammed by letting agents

A claim by the activists running the Generation Rent group has been branded as “misleading” by Propertymark. Generation Rent claims its research...

27 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Eviction law change will hurt rental supply - government warned

Three organisations have written a joint open letter to the Scottish Government warning that the supply of homes for rent –...

09 May 2022

From: Breaking News

ARLA slams “tenant centric” approach to rental sector reform

ARLA Propertymark is the latest rental industry organisation to hit out at what it calls the “tenant-centred approach” being taken to...

26 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls threat under discussion at Rightmove event

Rightmove’s April webinars for agents continue today with Daryl Mcintosh, Policy Manager at Propertymark, giving a legal and compliance update for...

06 April 2022

From: Breaking News

No Rent Controls - agents send clear message to politicians

One of the country’s most outspoken advocates of rent controls has been told why agents and landlords oppose them. Propertymark has hosted...

28 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Politicians warned - don’t fix a lettings system that isn’t broken

A warning has gone out to politicians from lettings agency trade body ARLA Propertymark - don’t try to fix a system...

16 March 2022

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal