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“Inefficient” High Street agencies accused of making voids longer

An online lettings agency has accused High Street rivals of being “inefficient” and making voids longer than necessary. 

Home Made, which operates only in London, says rental properties across the capital are sitting empty for an average of 24 days a year. 

This average masks significant borough-to-borough differences - for example, in Hounslow it’s 15 days and in Havering it’s 37.


Home Made claims that its research shows traditional agents do not market available properties until six days after a tenant has given notice “thereby increasing the risk of a lengthy void period.”

The founder of the agency, Asaf Navot, says: “Inefficient agency models are one of the driving factors keeping London homes unoccupied. Landlords are paying agencies for a service and if they are not delivering, they need to hold them to account. 

“We’d urge landlords to ask their letting agent for transparency at every stage, from the date their property will be available online, through viewing volumes and feedback, all the way to move-in date.”

Poll: Are agents too slow to react to voids?


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  • Matthew Fine

    What utter rubbish, no facts just someone spurting their unfounded opinion.

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    In other words, this is an advertorial.

    Does any agent like to keep a property empty for a day longer than necessary? An empty property means no income for the landlord and no income for the agent.

  • Kristjan Byfield

    'its research shows traditional agents do not market available properties until six days after a tenant has vacated' - somebody needs to do some better research! Also can't wait to see them fulfill their '90% cheaper & still profitable' claim.

  • Matthew Payne

    I would love to see this research published and meet all these traditional agents, what an opportunity to transform their businesses. They could improve their lettings revenue by 7% overnight by simply commencing marketing when they receive notice from the tenant. If you do voids are like unicorns in London. Asaf has scored an own goal here by tipping them all off....


    Neither you MP or the comment maker previously KP have read the article. It quite clearly states 'six days AFTER A TENANT GIVES NOTICE' not 6 days after the tenant has vacated.
    Try engaging brain before opening mouth or in your case before writing a bit more drivel you quite clearly accuse the on line agent of making.
    This just makes you look a damn fool. It's no wonder the letting agents are not well thought of by Jo Public. You have justified the derisory comments you truly deserve.


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