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 Private tenants increasingly satisfied with homes and landlords

There’s been another increase in the proportion of private tenants saying they are satisfied with their housing according to data published by the government.

The latest English Housing Survey results, which related to 2018/19, show that 84 per cent of private tenants were satisfied with their accommodation.

This is up one per cent from the year before and compares to 81 per cent in the social rented sector.


The data further reveals that 73 per cent of private renters were satisfied with the way their landlords carried out repairs and maintenance. This compared to 67 per cent of social renters.

“It is good news that private renters are increasingly satisfied with their housing and is a testament to landlords and the improvements in standards that we have seen in the sector” explains Ben Beadle, chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association.

“Whilst challenges clearly remain, this dispels the myth perpetrated by some, that tenants are generally unhappy with their housing.”

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Gov protects the Social Housing sector which isn't warranted.
    Social Housing have been allowed to bring in ' A.R. ' Affordable Rent ( aka market rent ) and is no longer what many people know or believe Social Housing to be.
    Social Housing today is very much a commercial Housing enterprise and even the so-called 'not for profit' Associations pay their Directors ridiculous salaries ( so isn't really, 'not for profit' )
    Further, Social Housing is overseen, ( as Regulated would be too strong a word ) by a Govt quango.
    None of the legislative measures metted out on the PRS apply to Social Housing, - eg Licensing, Civil penalties, Energy performance, EICR's etc, etc.


    And you forgot to mention that a bigger percentage of the PRS is happy with the PRS than in the social housing sector.

    A bit of good news for the PRS at last.

  • icon

    Yet no campaign against the poorer standards etc in social housing by Shelter, CA or GA. I wonder why? Perhaps it is because they are run by theor WOKE friends?


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