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Huge numbers of empty homes discovered as rental supply falls

An insurance firm’s analysis of official figures show there are now no fewer than 760,821 vacant properties in England, Scotland and...

02 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Far cheaper to rent than to buy in London - new figures

Londoners looking to buy a home can expect to spend 42% more on monthly mortgage payments than tenants pay on rent,...

16 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Local Housing Allowance - call for even more help for low-income renters

Low-income renters will get a boost next spring - but a pressure group wants more government help for this sector. The Chancellor’s...

12 December 2023

From: Breaking News

London tenants pay high average deposits, claims supplier

One of the players in the controversial Deposit Alternative field is stepping up its case for this kind of service to...

25 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Revealed - the cheapest and dearest places to rent in England

Professional cleaning firm Prompt Cleaners has created a league table of regions and local authorities where renting is cheapest and dearest. The...

16 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Figures lift lid on growing foreign investment in UK property

A lettings agency claims foreign homeowners are sitting on £84.2 billion worth of property across England and Wales - but with...

14 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Three agents and landlord hit with massive fines for safety failings

Three property management companies and a landlord have been fined approaching £80,000 for health and safety failings. Mohammed Ali Abbas Rasool, Cadogan...

22 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Huge fines for agency and management company over safety failures

A management company and a lettings agency involved in running a London HMO have been prosecuted for fire safety failures. Monsoon Properties...

12 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Agent says London rents are far higher than official figures

A London-focused lettings agency says actual rents in the capital are far greater than official average figures produced by the government.  Benham...

28 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Licensing fines for agents go through the roof

It already looks like 2023 is on track to see licensing fines for agents and landlords reaching nearly double the 2022...

06 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents may be asked to include ‘green features’ on property details

Councillors in one part of London are considering asking agents to include ‘green features’ on property details. Camden’s Labour controlled council has...

15 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Empty homes and holiday homes totals on the rise - new figures

The number of long-term empty homes has risen in every region of the UK during 2022 according to new government figures. The...

24 November 2022

From: Breaking News

“Landmark” CMP ruling sees huge fine for lettings agency

Trading Standards is describing a penalty imposed on a London letting agent as “a landmark” after the company failed to comply...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Clampdown! Sharp rise in fines for letting agents

PropTech firm Kamma says total fines for agents and landlords have now topped £8m in London alone with a £238,000 increase...

09 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Price shock for renters renewing tenancies, warns agency

London-focussed lettings agency Benham and Reeves says renters who secured bargain properties during the pandemic now face huge rent rises when...

28 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Buy to let - the areas with the largest proportion of purchases

Some parts of London have recorded over 50 per cent of sales as second or additional properties. Research by lending firm Octane...

01 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Charge! On-street car parking could add premiums to rents

New research by Savills suggests that on-street car parking could increase both the capital values and rental potential of properties. The agency...

14 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency director already banned - now fined tens of thousands

The sole director of a lettings agency, who was recently made the subject of an anti-social behaviour injunction and banning order,...

10 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Crossrail rental premiums - how much more is charged, and where?

Crossrail rental values have climbed by 15 per cent on average in the last year alone - before this week’s opening...

25 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Good news for London's rental market at last

The London rental market stock surplus spurred by pandemic uncertainty has started to subside, with prime boroughs seeing some of the...

12 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency pays thousands for breaching Tenant Fees Act

A London-focussed lettings agency group has paid £2,000 as a result of breaching the Tenant Fees Act. The issue relates to the...

23 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Prime London’s rental market out of the doldrums at last.

The London agency Bective says the prime areas of the capital have enjoyed an eight per cent uplift in rental values...

16 December 2021

From: Breaking News

London agents hit with more and larger fines by local councils

Council-imposed fines on letting agents and landlords that fall foul of licensing regulations have risen dramatically in the past month alone. Research...

25 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Low rental supply worsening in every region of England, says index

Home, the property website that publishes an authoritative market snapshot for lettings and sales each month, says the long-standing supply drought...

16 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Rents bounce back with a vengeance in London

Rents in much of London have not only bounced back from the pandemic but now exceed the levels reached in 2020. Research...

02 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Banned: Rogue agency and director cannot let any property in England

A London council has secured banning orders against rogue property agents who were previously fined over £70,000 for letting an unlicensed...

28 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Sleep Out to Help Out! Wonderful work by Knight Frank

Knight Frank is this year’s headline sponsor of the LandAid Sleep Out, one of the causes many in the industry support. This...

02 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Average rent in England almost unchanged from five years ago

The average cost of renting in England is almost unchanged from five years ago - although that masks significant localised variations.  The...

18 November 2020

From: Breaking News

More London woe - new reports of falling demand, rents and yields

London lettings agency Benham and Reeves has drawn up a league table of which boroughs in the capital have had their...

17 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Higher rents near London high streets - but for how long?

Rents are higher for Londoners living near busy high streets - for the moment at least.  Research by rental platform Spotahome has...

01 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Agency says London market and rents hit badly by student slump

Coronavirus lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed by the UK and other governments have hit the London rental market badly, an agency...

22 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Short lets should be regulated in line with rest of rental sector - call

A leading supplier says the current market standstill is an opportunity for the industry to rethink how short lets can be...

08 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Lettings agency in court as new ‘rogues taskforce’ swings into action

A lettings agency and its director have pleaded guilty to renting out an overcrowded house in the first case brought to...

17 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Under Investigation! Agents probed for alleged Fees Ban breaches

A newspaper claims multiple councils are opening investigations into agents allegedly defying the tenant fees ban - and at least one...

03 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Law Breakers! Half of Airbnb-style properties ignore 90-night limit - claim

A London council says nearly half of the Airbnb-style short let properties available in its patch last year exceeded their legal...

21 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Portal, agencies and directors hit with £100,000 penalty over unsafe flat

A room-finding portal, along with the owners of a London lettings agency and management firm, must pay over £100,000 for letting...

12 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Fatal fire in unlicensed house leads to fine and entry on rogues database

A judge has ordered two landlords to pay a total of £14,858 for illegally renting out an unlicensed house without working...

30 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Tenant’s secret buy to lets land him with a suspended sentence

A London council tenant who for a period of seven years failed to disclose that he owned three houses, has been...

29 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Huge rent rises in London should be no surprise, says market monitor

Greater London rents have risen an average of four per cent in the past year - but some boroughs performing above-average...

13 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Lettings sector doesn’t want “Marxist dystopia” rent controls - claim

Rents in London are rocketing but a leading market commentator says this is no reason to give in to a “Marxist dystopia”...

07 August 2019

From: Breaking News

 London room rents already rising just two months into 2019

Demand for room rentals in London is so high their average charge has risen two per cent in 2019 already, claims...

01 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Massive £30,000 fine for rogue London letting agent

A lettings agency and its director have been fined a total of £30,000 for failing to licence HMOs and giving sham...

13 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Over a third of London uninhabitable for renters - claim

A flat-share website claims typical rents in some 38 per cent of London are now so high they render the areas...

11 February 2019

From: Breaking News

OnTheMarket reveals London area where tenants spend most on rent

OnTheMarket, which is beginning to undertake occasional property research, has released data identifying what proportion of tenants’ salaries are spent on...

28 November 2018

From: Breaking News

£60,000 rent to be repaid by property firm after council steps in

A London property firm must repay no less than £60,000 in rent after a council obtained a Rent Repayment Order against...

20 November 2018

From: Breaking News

London council wants agents to have a say in licensing review

A London local authority which is part way through its five year additional HMO licensing scheme wants lettings agents to give their...

02 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Council acts against agent and says tenants pay through the nose

A lettings agent described as ‘rogue’ by a London council, along with two lettings companies, have been heavily fined for operating...

19 September 2018

From: Breaking News

London rents pass £1,600 pcm level for first time as market improves

Average rents in London are £1,615, up 3.3 per cent on last year, according to HomeLet’s latest index. This is the first...

08 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Right To Rent to be challenged in court this week

The controversial Right To Rent regime whereby agents and landlords are expected to check the immigration status of would-be tenants is...

04 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Rogue letting agents hit with thousands of pounds in fines

Two rogue letting agents in London have been fined thousands of pounds as part of a council campaign to clean up...

17 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Average London tenant now requires £3,000 deposit, claims agent

A warning has come from a campaigning letting agent that London’s landlords agents could be costing themselves tenants by requiring them...

20 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Trade body backs attempts to overturn Right To Rent migrant checks

The Residential Landlords Association has reiterated its opposition to Right To Rent, and is backing two legal challenges to the measure. Letting...

02 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Developer offers ‘free management’ on selected new-builds

Barratt Homes’ London division is offering what it describes as ‘free property management’ on new-builds purchased at selected schemes and then...

16 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Clampdown on rogue agents and landlords welcomed by PropTech firm

PropTech firm PayProp has welcomed the latest measures to clamp down on rogue elements within the lettings industry - but warns...

11 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Foxtons: council wins appeal against 'administrative fees' term

A London council has won its appeal against Foxtons using the term “administration fees” in its lettings charges.    Back in 2015 Camden...

15 September 2017

From: Breaking News

Named and shamed - ARLA backs Mayor's rogue agents database

Letting agents who have broken the law are set to be ‘named and shamed’ by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan,...

27 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Property management firm fined for not buying council licence

MNY Property Management Ltd has been fined £3,390 for offences under the Housing Act - specifically, failing to buy a licence...

06 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Hefty fine for HMO owner who failed to buy council licence

The owner of a house in multiple occupation in the leafy Hampstead area of north London has been hit with a...

06 March 2017

From: Breaking News

BBC survey claims to identify 'sky high' rental areas across England

A BBC investigation claims that people living in the private rental sector spend more than a third of their disposable income...

08 August 2016

From: Breaking News

Politician launches 'Big Renters Survey' in bid to set up union

London politician Sian Berry - who was the Green Party candidate for the Mayoral elections in the capital in May -...

15 July 2016

From: Breaking News

London firm recruits 19 agents to staff growing branch network

A London estate and letting agency has announced the appointment of 19 new members of staff as a result of a...

03 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Letting agent amongst group facing heavy fines for HMO breaches

A letting agent and four landlords face bills totalling more than £20,000 after being prosecuted by Islington Council for operating unlicensed...

06 May 2016

From: Breaking News

Average rent is the equivalent of a house deposit in five years

A typical tenant in a two-bed property in England will have paid over £40,000 in rent in the past five years...

04 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Local authority takes its own councillor to court over buy to let property

A London local authority has taken court action against one of its own councillors who has admitted failing to carry out...

19 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Agents fail in their appeals against 'no redress scheme' fines

Two letting agencies in the London borough of Camden have lost their appeal against fines for failing to join a redress...

01 December 2015

From: Breaking News

PRS redress chief backs 'Fair Lettings' campaign on Twitter today

The PRS, one of three authorised redress schemes, is backing a ‘Fair Lettings’ campaign being introduced by Camden council in London. It...

19 October 2015

From: Breaking News

Redress chief names councils strongest on policing agents

Unitary local authorities where trading standards and environmental health teams work to the same objectives are more successful at clamping down...

30 July 2015

From: Breaking News

580 London landlord licensing cases in three years

A property consultancy specialising in licensing regimes for privately-let properties says there have been 580 housing prosecutions in London under the...

13 May 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal