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KEYWORD "Rogue Letting Agent" - 100 RESULTS
Banned! Agency chief cannot let properties for three years

A council says it’s secured the first banning order in its area, securing a stop on a rogue letting agent renting...

21 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Business Boost - Landlord champion urges more use of lettings agents

Landlords’ champion Paul Shamplina says more landlords should use lettings agents, who he describes as their “allies” in the battle to...

10 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Letting Agent Thief sentenced after stealing over £128,000

A thieving lettings agent stole over £128,000 which should have gone to landlord clients - and with it she funded an...

07 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Rogue agency expelled from Ombudsman but still trading illegally

A rogue lettings agency in London has been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme but is still thought to be trading. Hawks...

10 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Three agents and landlord hit with massive fines for safety failings

Three property management companies and a landlord have been fined approaching £80,000 for health and safety failings. Mohammed Ali Abbas Rasool, Cadogan...

22 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Six agencies fined thousands for not protecting client money

Six letting agencies across the London borough of Haringey have been fined a total of £12,000 after a council clampdown. Trading Standards...

21 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Named, Shamed, Expelled - rogue agents thrown out by Ombudsman

Five agencies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme - all for compliance failures. The first is Home Trader Properties, in...

04 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Rogue agent database must be expanded insists top industry figure

An accreditation scheme says the government database of rogue letting agents should be expanded.  The government is committed to creating a new Property...

27 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Named and Shamed! Letting agents back controversial database

A controversial database which will allow widespread access to the identities of rogue letting agents and landlords has been backed by...

23 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Call for more due diligence after rogue letting agent jailed

Trading Standards is calling for more due diligence checks to be made following the jailing of a rogue letting agent for...

31 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Guilty! Letting agents used violence to illegally evict tenants

A jury has ruled that a lettings agency has been guilty of illegally evicting tenants in Margate - with locks changed,...

20 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Expelled by Ombudsman - rogue agents who refuse to pay compensation

Two agencies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme for failing to pay compensation awards. Thamlet Estates, based in east London,...

20 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Council boasts of court cases and fines against letting agents

One of the local authorities with the tightest clampdowns on letting agents has issued a statement celebrating its successes. Tower Hamlets council in...

19 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Expelled! Rogue letting agents kicked out by The Property Ombudsman

Six agencies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman for failing to pay compensatory awards - five of them for offences...

11 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Rent To Rent scandal exposed on TV show about rogue letting agent

A London lettings agency is exposed on TV this evening over what turns out to be a sham guaranteed rent scheme. Landlords...

15 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Trading Standards clampdown on rogue letting agents

A local Trading Standards team is clamping down on rogue letting agents. Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards Service has launched...

23 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Criminal Behaviour Order for rogue agent after unlawful eviction

A lettings agency director has been issued with a Criminal Behaviour Order for unlawfully evicting a tenant back in 2019. CFDP Ltd, trading as...

30 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Yet another agent ejected by Ombudsman may be trading illegally

Another lettings agency has been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme for failing to pay an outstanding compensation award - but...

16 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Clampdown on letting agents backed by local councils

A huge trading standards operation clamping down on lettings agents who fail to abide by Client Money Protection rules has been...

25 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Some agents have atrocious compliance failures, claims expert

A lettings expert claims that many agents are failing to comply with appropriate legislation, rendering their landlord clients liable for legal...

27 November 2020

From: Breaking News

£100,000 compensation to be paid by rogue lettings agents

Three lettings agents who kept tenants’ rent instead of passing it to the landlords have been ordered to pay almost £100,000...

30 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Name and shame rogue lettings agents, says top industry figure

One of the highest profile figures in the rental sector says rogue letting agents should be named and shamed as a...

05 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Crooked agent escapes prison after stealing almost  £30,000

A crooked lettings agent stole almost £30,000 from dozens of clients to prevent his business from going bankrupt. Tim Catherall, of Nottinghamshire,...

28 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Online rental platforms should do more to stop criminal scams - call

A new report demands that online rental platforms and portals allowing direct advertising by clients do more to deter fake landlords...

04 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Porsche-driving agent crook repays just £43,000 of missing £241,000

A jailed letting agent in a long-running legal saga has now been told she must repay her victims some £43,000 -...

25 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Rogue agent confronted over £23,000 stolen to fund gambling habit

A lettings agent who stole over £23,000 from tenants to pay for his gambling habit and pay off debt has escaped...

24 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Humiliation for government as rogues’ database is largely ignored

The government’s hugely-publicised database for rogue letting agents and landlords has been running for almost two years and has…wait for it…just...

07 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Trade bodies back latest rogue agent and landlord clampdown

The Association of Residential Letting Agents and The Guild of Property Professionals have both given their backing to the government’s latest...

06 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Why S21 must stay: £29,000 arrears and £2,000 mess left by tenant

The government and local authorities run by all political parties are keen to advocate measures to curb rogue letting agents and...

12 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Crooked agent steals thousands ... and pays back just £850

A north of England letting agent who conned home owners out of thousands of pounds has been ordered to pay it back...

12 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Shock claim that one-in-five agents still have no Client Money Protection

An estimated 20 per cent of letting agents have still not signed up for a Client Money Protection scheme, six months...

27 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue agents expelled by TPO for failing to pay compensation awards

Two London agencies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme for failing to honour two compensation awards. The first is Chase...

19 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue letting agents scandal is sign of bad enforcement says trade body

Last week’s revelation that approaching 50 per cent of letting agents surveyed in London were in breach of the law is...

17 September 2019

From: Breaking News

ARLA tells tenants to “walk straight out” if agent suspected of illegality

The Association of Residential Letting Agents is urging tenants to “walk straight out” if they believe an agency is breaking the...

16 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Fees: Lettings agent fined for the third time in as many years

A lettings agent in London has been fined for the third time in as many years – this time for failing...

14 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Expelled! Six lettings agencies kicked out by Ombudsman

The Property Ombudsman has announced a slew of expulsions after six agents failed to comply with redress rules. They failed to abide...

12 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Banned sales agents ‘could be setting up rogue lettings firms’ - claim

The Association of Residential Lettings Agents says it fears the government needs to do more to prevent the possibility of banned...

23 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Industry reform “toothless” if rogue agents aren’t stopped - warning

There’s a warning this morning that the root-and-branch reform of the agency industry recommended by a government-backed working party will be...

19 July 2019

From: Breaking News

'Local councils not doing enough to prosecute rogue letting agents' - NLA

Local authorities are failing in their duty to prosecute criminal letting agents, the National Landlords Association (NLA) has warned. The NLA says...

04 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue lettings agency coughs up £16,000 it owes - on TV

Two landlords will this evening be seen securing the £16,000 they are owed by a rogue lettings agent - and TV...

10 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Expelled! Seven rogue letting agents kicked out of Ombudsman scheme

Seven agencies have been expelled from membership of The Property Ombudsman after failing to pay compensation awards made by TPO. All are...

03 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Proceeds of Crime Act to be used against jailed agents, council confirms

Cornwall council has confirmed that it’s to use the Proceeds of Crime Act to try to win compensation for victims of...

25 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Rogue agent hit with £52,000 bill after pleading guilty to 18 offences

A rogue letting agent has been ordered to pay £42,596 in fines and costs of £10,626 after pleading guilty to a...

23 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Scandal: Agent steals £350,000 but pays back just one pound

A lettings agent who stole over £350,000 is reported to have been told to pay back…£1. Local media in the south of...

27 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Crooked letting agent had a Land Rover, Porsche and a Florida home

A crooked letting agent took £220,000 from tenants and landlords and has been exposed as buying a home in Florida, renting...

18 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Spending slashed on policing rogue operators in the private rented sector

New figures from a leading trade body suggest that councils across England have cut by a quarter the amount they are...

28 February 2019

From: Breaking News

NALS welcomes prison sentences for three rogue letting agents

The National Approved Lettings Scheme has taken the unusual step of commenting on, and welcoming, the outcome of a court case...

01 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Banned: Lettings agency boss who 'abused' tenant deposits

A lettings company’s management director has been disqualified for failing to protect thousands of pounds of tenants’ deposits. Kari Jade Ridout from...

13 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Ban the Rogue Agents! NALS helps councils get tough

The National Approved Letting Scheme has published the latest version of its Effective Enforcement Toolkit - aimed at helping councils clamp...

05 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Crooked letting agent admits taking over £220,000 from clients

A former lettings agent in Plymouth has finally admitted taking hundreds of thousands of pounds from tenants and landlords - the...

19 November 2018

From: Breaking News

New funding for government crackdown on buy to let rogue operators

Local authorities across the UK are to get another £2m to crack down on rogue operators in the buy to let...

08 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Expelled! Two agencies kicked out of TPO for failing to pay awards

Two lettings agencies have been expelled from The Property Ombudsman scheme for failing to pay awards. One is OJ Residentials Limited trading...

05 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Agency boss admits hundreds of thousands in fraud and theft charges

The former owner of a lettings agency has admitted charges of fraud, false accounting and theft involving some hundreds of thousands...

29 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Tenants to be given access to database of rogue agents and landlords

The Guardian says the government is committed to making a datebase of rogue letting agents and landlords available to tenants. The newspaper quotes...

26 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Shock claim by senior agent of air of criminality in lettings industry

One of Scotland’s top lettings agents is warning of “an air of criminality” in the rental industry north of the border. His...

26 September 2018

From: Breaking News

'Name and shame rip-off agents' demand Trading Standards and NALS

Trading Standards departments in London are asking renters to name and shame letting agents who are not complying with the law...

13 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Which? calls on the public to submit nightmare rental stories

Which?, the consumer organisation which this week revealed details of an undercover investigation of 30 viewings of properties marketed by lettings...

18 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Crooked agents and landlords pocket almost £1m in just six months

Crooked letting agents and landlords have so far this year been convicted of illegally pocketing over £900,000 of tenant’s cash – and there’s...

17 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Council fining 27 rogue agents wins strong backing from ARLA

The Association of Residential Letting Agents has heaped praise on a local authority which has fined 27 lettings and managing agents...

11 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Some agents 'may be tempted to act illegally' says lettings guru

Property expert Kate Faulkner says the massive surge in new regulations, legislation and fiscal measures aimed at the private rental sector...

26 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Agency closes, boss disappears, and thousands owed to clients

A regional newspaper claims that a lettings agency has collapsed, its boss has gone to ground, and thousands of pounds are...

18 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Call for agents to use PropTech to help clean up their act

A leading PropTech entrepreneur has renewed his call for letting agents to use more technology to clean up their act when...

05 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Major milestone as all London boroughs sign up to ‘rogue database’

This week marks a major milestone in Mayor of London Sadiq Khan's efforts to crack down on the capital's rogue letting...

23 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Trading Standards to highlight 'effective enforcement' in fight against rogues

Today Trading Standards teams across the country will highlight the work they do to protect landlords and tenants from rogue letting...

22 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Rogue letting agents hit with thousands of pounds in fines

Two rogue letting agents in London have been fined thousands of pounds as part of a council campaign to clean up...

17 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Agent banned from letting properties after head-butting incident

An agent has been banned from letting properties under ‘fit and proper person’ legislation in Scotland, following an incident in which...

08 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Agents with banning orders: government to release numbers for each area

A statement from the government has repeated its determination to clean up the private rental sector through a series of measures,...

09 April 2018

From: Breaking News

More industry backing for government's crackdown on agents

The Property Ombudsman is the latest property industry player to throw its support behind the introduction of mandatory qualifications and a...

04 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Government reveals letting agents' mandatory qualification and code of conduct

The government has this morning - Easter Sunday - announced a crackdown on rogue letting agents in the shape of a...

01 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Lettings agent fined for placing tenants in his own unsafe properties

A Brighton and Hove lettings agent has been fined more than £3,000 for allowing two properties that he owned himself to...

29 March 2018

From: Breaking News

PropTech boss calls for introduction of ‘rogue tenants’ database

The head of a major PropTech company serving the lettings sector says he want to see the introduction of a database...

22 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Letting agent stole over £350,000 of deposits to fund lavish lifestyle

The director of a lettings agency who who stole hundreds of thousands of pounds to spend on holidays and other luxuries...

16 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Huge rise in thefts of tenants' cash, says campaigning letting agent

Crooked landlords and letting agents were convicted of stealing £1,162,037 of tenant’s cash in 2017 – a rise of 14 per...

16 February 2018

From: Breaking News

Criminal letting agent spared jail after stealing over £7,600 from tenants

A letting agent has been spared jail despite stealing over £7,600 from tenants to subsidise his failing business.  Simon Cawley, from Kingsbridge...

29 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Romans is latest agency to back banning orders on rogue agents

Romans has thrown its weight behind the banning orders being introduced in April which could see rogue letting agents and landlords...

26 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Letting agent gets £1,000 bill after telling tenant to dump rubbish

A lettings agent has been charged £1,000 after telling a new tenant to dump waste left by a previous occupier into...

15 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Crooked agents helped to steal £1m from tenants in 2017 - claim

Crooked letting agents and landlords have raided close to £1m from tenancy deposit accounts in 2017, new figures show. Campaigning agent Ajay Jagota,...

29 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Online database of rogue agents 'will save lives' say fire chiefs

The new online database identifying rogue letting agents and landlords will save lives according to the London Fire Brigade. We wrote about...

21 December 2017

From: Breaking News

First London boroughs roll out ‘rogue agents database’

The first London boroughs are now rolling out the Greater London Authority’s ‘Rogue Landlord and Agent Checker’ - allowing tenants to...

20 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Rogues' database and banning orders to come into effect in April

A database of rogue letting agents and landlords and new banning orders, first promised in the Housing and Planning Act announced...

04 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Crooked agents and landlords steal nearly £850,000 - and counting

A lettings agency chief who monitors legal action against rogue agencies and landlords says almost £850,000 of deposits have been stolen...

20 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Gambling addict lettings agent who stole thousands is jailed

A lettings agent who stole thousands of pounds collected from tenants has been jailed for 20 months. Kent Online reports that gambling...

16 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Clampdown on rogue agents and landlords welcomed by PropTech firm

PropTech firm PayProp has welcomed the latest measures to clamp down on rogue elements within the lettings industry - but warns...

11 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Agent fined £75,000 over rat-infested over-crowded HMO

A letting agent named in a case concerning a rat-infested House in Multiple Occupation in Leytonstone, East London, has been fined...

28 September 2017

From: Breaking News

Crooked agents have stolen £700,000 so far this year says campaigner

Crooked letting agents have been convicted of stealing almost £700,000 of tenants’ deposits in the first half of 2017.   Campaigning letting agent...

27 July 2017

From: Breaking News

Property management chief calls for national tenant register

The head of a property management company is calling on the government to introduce a tenants' register which would help rogue...

26 June 2017

From: Breaking News

NALS wants 'rogues database' extended to include more agents

The National Approved Lettings Scheme has called for the London Mayor’s new rogue agents’ database to be extended to include those...

28 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Named and shamed - ARLA backs Mayor's rogue agents database

Letting agents who have broken the law are set to be ‘named and shamed’ by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan,...

27 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Landlords' group opposes ARLA-approved 'rogue agents register'

The Residential Landlords Association has broken ranks with the Association of Residential Letting Agents by opposing an ARLA-backed public database of...

27 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Massive £235,000 bill for agency boss letting out illegal bedsits

An east London landlord, who was also director of a letting agency, has been forced to pay out over £235,000 for...

21 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Campaigning agent tells lettings sector: change is coming

A prominent campaigner over the misappropriation of rental deposits has welcomed the news that government proposals to ban letting agent fees...

18 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Anti-deposit campaigner warns of Client Money Protection side-effect

A leading letting agent campaigning against rental sector deposits is warning that the industry might be hit with “astronominal” insurance premiums...

10 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Letting agents in the firing line as new civil penalties come into effect

New legislation coming into force today gives local authorities in England tough new powers to crack down on rogue agents and...

06 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Rogue letting agent jailed for keeping £15,000 of clients' deposits

A letting agent has been jailed for keeping more than £15,000 in client deposits. Thirugnanaselvam Damayantharan ran See Own Properties in Purley and...

04 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Letting agency owner ordered to pay £25,000 to victims

A convicted Surrey letting agent who used his clients’ money to cover his business debts has been ordered to pay £25,000...

23 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Trade group backs banning orders on rogue agents, landlords

A trade body has backed government plans to introduce so-called ‘banning orders’ for rogue letting agents and landlords, but it says...

17 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Tory MP wants action as Trading Standards begin agency probe

Conservative MP Oliver Colvile is calling for urgent action following a recent spate of fraud involving rogue letting agents.   When approached by...

15 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Letting agent gets £20,000 in fines over HMO breaches

A landlord and letting agency have been fined more than £26,000 after being found guilty of housing offences at two properties...

30 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Agents hit with fines after failing to abide by new consumer legislation

Lettings agents have been issued fines totalling £14,100 by a local authority for failing to comply with consumer rights laws.   Officers from...

11 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Politician urges 'secret shopping' to name and shame rogue agents

One of London’s leading politicians has created guidelines to help individuals ‘secret shop’ in a bid to expose what she claims...

03 January 2017

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal