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Scrapping Section 21 isn’t such a big deal, claims top agent

The abolition of Section 21 isn’t really that big a deal, a prominent lettings agent claims. Kristjan Byfield, who runs the base...

23 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Ending S21 is fine says leading agent - but safeguards needed

The government’s renewed pledge to end Section 21 eviction powers for agents and landlords is fine, a leading industry figure has...

18 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents warn Rayner - “don’t scrap Section 21 without a replacement”

Propertymark has warned Labour’s Deputy Prime Minister against scrapping Section 21 eviction powers without an adequate replacement. If Angela Rayner does fulfil...

11 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Changes to Renters Reform Bill after Easter

The government has written to Conservative MPs promising changes to the Renters Reform Bill to ease concerns over its anti-landlord bias. Jacob...

28 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Housing Courts the best way to counter threat of S21 removal - claim

Propertymark is urging the Sunak government to introduce specialist housing courts with expert Judges who can expedite cases and create a...

15 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter threatens government after big rise in Section 21 evictions

Shelter is warning that the government’s failure to abolish Section 21 evictions will backfire and that “renters will remember who stood...

09 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry figure claims scrapping S21 isn’t so very bad…

The government should “just get on with implementing the Renters Reform Bill” an industry figure says.  Jonathan Rolande of the National Association...

22 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Fail! Endless calls to scrap S21 evictions leads to glut of them

Section 21 evictions are set to soar even higher, a property association leader forecasts - because of the threat to abolish...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Shelter back on the warpath over Section 21 evictions

Campaigning charity Shelter has renewed its calls for the abolition of S21 eviction powers. It says new Ministry of Justice data shows...

11 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Bank joins Shelter for Parliament stunt about Renters Reform Bill

The Co-Op Bank is joining forces with campaigning charity Shelter to argue against Section 21 evictions, and together they have organised...

19 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Scrapping S21 helps nuisance tenants, warns property lawyer

A respected property lawyer is accusing the government of helping nuisance tenants at the expense of the weak and vulnerable. Ian Narberth,...

31 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Jubilant tenants warned: Be careful what you wish for…

Tenant groups are cheering the proposed abolition of Section 21 eviction powers but there’s a legal warning that the reality may be...

18 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Charity claims new eviction powers will punish the homeless

A charity is claiming that new powers to evict anti-social private tenants could lead to more homelessness, while those already living...

28 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Campaigners claim dramatic rise in Section 21 evictions

Shelter claims government figures show 5,940 households were “threatened with homelessness” in England as a result of Section 21 evictions between April...

29 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Government may scrap plans to abolish Section 21

The government may be changing its mind on scrapping Section 21 eviction powers according to a bombshell story in The Times. Outlining what...

11 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Agents want pilot project to test scrapping of S21

Agents are calling for a pilot project to measure the impact of the government abolishing Section 21 eviction powers. In its response...

31 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Labour claims thousands threatened with homelessness by S21

Just over 7,000 households in London have been threatened with homelessness in the past three years alone after being issued with...

10 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter slammed by industry over “exaggerated” Section 21 claims

Propertymark is the latest part of the lettings sector to fight back against criticism and claims of extreme evictions made by...

03 May 2022

From: Breaking News

More industry regulation needed - but not if it alienates agents

A leading figure in the PropTech sector says more regulation could make the rental sector fairer, more transparent and ultimately more...

25 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Scrapping Section 21 may take three years says industry expert

A leading expert on the private rental sector predicts it will take three years for the government to scrap Section 21 evictions...

30 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Why Scrap Section 21?  Possession cases are plummeting anyway...

New figures from the Ministry of Justice show a dramatic long-term decline in the number of possessions in the private rental...

12 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour joins call for faster scrapping of S21 evictions

Labour has joined with campaign groups Generation Rent and Shelter in calling for the speediest possible ending of Section 21 eviction...

03 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Benefits of scrapping S21 outweigh problems, insists Shelter

The chief executive of Shelter says the experience of Scotland shows that the scrapping of S21 eviction powers produces benefits that...

01 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour’s new housing chief wants to work with Tories to scrap S21

Labour’s Lucy Powell, the party’s new housing spokesperson, says she wants to work with the Conservatives to scrap Section 21 eviction...

02 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Is the government REALLY going to scrap Section 21 evictions?

Some lettings industry figures are beginning to express doubt as to whether the government’s broad commitment to reform the private rental...

13 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Public cash for renters and scrap S21 insists another charity

Housing charity Crisis says government statistics show almost one in five private renters in England in arrears or likely to fall...

23 April 2021

From: Breaking News

“Hammer blow” to private rental sector as six months notice is permanent

A new law in Wales making it mandatory for a tenant to get six months notice for Section 21 evictions has...

25 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Scrapping of S21 and new transferable deposits likely “very soon”

The long-awaited Renters' Reform Bill, promised 14 months ago, is likely to be introduced to the House of Commons “very soon.” The...

14 January 2021

From: Breaking News

2021 will not hold back Agents who are prepared to adapt

With the Government announcement this week of another national lockdown across England amid the surging coronavirus infections, it once again puts...

08 January 2021

From: Sponsored Content

Agents can do more to speed up transactions by adopting technology

Recent debate about urgent need for reform and better collaboration within the property industry, has once again come under the spotlight...

04 December 2020

From: Sponsored Content

Labour claims hundreds of S21s during Lockdown1, despite ban

Labour claims over 350 households in London alone were issued with a Section 21 notice during the first lockdown in spring...

09 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Keeping the property market moving

It’s been an unexpected year for the property market, shaped by the effects of the pandemic. We didn’t quite anticipate the...

27 October 2020

From: Sponsored Content

Shock bid to block evictions to be made this week in House of Lords

A Liberal Democrat Baroness says she is to make a last-ditch bid in the House of Lords tomorrow to stop evictions...

22 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Councils and Labour add to calls to scrap Section 21 eviction powers

The Local Government Association, which represents almost all councils in England, is calling on the government to scrap section 21. The call comes...

30 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Section 21: Lib Dems want government to finally scrap it

A Liberal Democrat bid is underway to accelerate the government timetable to scrap Section 21. The Renters’ Rights Bill put forward by government...

27 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Labour claims there are “illegal evictions by letting agents”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan, has told the government of “illegal evictions by letting agents” - without specifying the incidents he refers...

14 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Baroness wants “renters’ charter” to be agreed by councils

The militantly pro-tenant Generation Rent group says it’s working with local councils to have a new “tenants’ charter” introduced. The new director...

29 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Solicitor in key S21 test case warns of future challenges ahead

A solicitor involved in the Court of Appeal case which ruled in favour of the private rental sector has spoken of...

23 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Section 21: Industry relief for court ruling over possession claims

A legal expert says the Court of Appeal ruling on S21 possession orders last week has resolved one of the most...

22 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Court boost for private rental sector after key S21 judgement

Successes for the private rental sector may seem few and far between these days but the Court of Appeal has now...

19 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Age UK is latest charity to call for repeal of Section 21

Age UK is the latest campaigning charity to call for the repeal of S21 and the introduction of greater controls over...

12 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Scrap S21 to provide long term homes, Generation Rent tells landlords

A rental activist who runs the Generation Rent pressure group has told landlords that if they are “serious” about providing long-term...

03 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents can beat S21 ban by working harder to avoid evictions - claim

Letting agents can beat the upcoming ban on Section 21 by updating key documentation and automating arrears management to reduce the...

31 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Shelter boss and lettings agency critic honoured in New Year’s list

The chief executive of Shelter - the campaigning charity which has been sharply critical of letting agents in the past -...

30 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Section 21 WILL be scrapped - it’s in Thursday’s Queen’s Speech

Number 10 briefings to the national media suggest that the scrapping of Section 21 - long talked about by the previous...

17 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Why S21 must stay: £29,000 arrears and £2,000 mess left by tenant

The government and local authorities run by all political parties are keen to advocate measures to curb rogue letting agents and...

12 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Reform rental sector to favour tenants, charity tells next government

Citizens Advice wants the next government to radically alter the private rental sector in favour of tenants.  The charity’s 2019 election manifesto,...

08 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Accept end of S21 or let Build To Rent take over, says agent

A leading agent has repeated his controversial belief that the proposed scrapping of Section 21 eviction powers should be seen as...

25 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Second law firm hits out at government Section 21 proposals

Another law firm has sharply criticised the government’s proposals to abolish Section 21 eviction powers for landlords. Devonshires says the government should...

16 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Section 21 reform slammed with warning it may backfire on tenants

Government plans to end so-called ‘no fault’ evictions may backfire and not improve tenants’ security at all. That’s the warning from Osbornes...

15 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Consumer group claims government S21 plans don’t go far enough

Consumer charity Citizens’ Advice says government proposals to reform or possibly scrap S21 eviction rights do not go far enough.  The group...

15 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour demands Section 21 be scrapped - and now!

A senior Labour housing spokesman is urging the government to press on with plans to outlaw the use of Section 21...

14 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Half of S21 cases want rehousing by council, claims eviction specialist

High profile eviction company Landlord Action says as many as 50 per cent of Section 21 cases it handles involve tenants...

23 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Confirmed: Lib Dems will scrap Section 21 if they win power

As expected, the Liberal Democrats’ conference in Bournemouth has backed a motion calling for the scrapping of Section 21 - effectively...

18 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Section 21 - Liberal Democrats to debate call to scrap landlords’ rights

The Liberal Democrat conference, which begins on Saturday, is to debate a resolution calling for the scrapping of Section 21 -...

12 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Surveyors want immediate regulation of rental sector - and an end to S21

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors wants the government to implement recent recommendations to regulate the agency industry, starting with the...

22 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Why I may quit buy to let - a landlord explains their S21 dilemma

A private landlord has gone on record to explain her own dilemma with a tenant - and why the government’s scrapping...

14 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Shelter complains to Boris Johnson about a lettings agency

Campaigning charity Shelter has made a remarkable attack on a lettings agency, accusing it of “an abuse of power” over its...

05 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Scrapping S21 could be chance for agents to secure more work - claim

If the government follows through with its plan to scrap Section 21 there could be more work for agents as a...

30 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Tory says government “war on landlords” will make housing crisis worse

An outspoken Conservative party figure says government policies such as the scrapping of Section 21 will play into the hands of...

30 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Government slated by Tory MP and agency chief over Sections 21 and 24

The chairman of Hunters estate agency, who is also a Conservative MP, has hit out at the government over its handling...

12 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Agents join grand industry coalition to retain Section 21

The Association of Residential Letting Agents is one of many industry groups in a new coalition calling for S21 repossessions to be...

04 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Agents’ outrage over government handling of Fees Ban documents

Agents have reacted angrily to the way in which the government released a new set of rental documents updated to include...

03 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Another warning to government of buy to let sell-off thanks to S21

There’s been another major industry survey revealing that a high number of lettings agents and landlords may quit the private rental...

22 May 2019

From: Breaking News

 Union wants its members to ensure Section 21 is actually scrapped

A trade union says the government’s intention to scrap Section 21 eviction powers for landlords is “a huge victory” - but...

29 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Could future rental properties just be empty shells for tenants to fit out?

A senior lettings agent has raised the spectre of rental properties in future being German-style ‘empty shells’ - without even white...

18 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Scrapping S21 isn’t enough - cap rent rises too, say London politicians

The scrapping of Section 21 eviction powers has been welcomed by the London Assembly - but apparently it doesn’t go far...

17 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Scrapping Section 21 long overdue admits lettings chief

The head of a major property management firm says the controversial proposal to scrap Section 21 eviction powers for landlords is...

16 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Alternative to Section 21 “not fit for purpose” says lettings group

The government’s wish to use a modified Section 8 as an alternative to Section 21 for landlords seeking possession of their...

16 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Only 129 agents respond to consultation on S21 and longer tenancies

The government consultation process which fuelled its decision to axe Section 21 eviction powers and move towards longer tenancies received only...

16 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Section 21 evictions set to be axed to create ‘indefinite tenancies’

The government says it wants to ban outright Section 21 'no fault' eviction powers in England and Wales. Instead landlords seeking to evict...

15 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Human Habitation law takes effect today - but not everyone is happy...

Today the long-awaited Homes (Fitness For Human Habitation) Act comes into force, pioneered by Labour MP Karen Buck and giving people...

20 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Up to 90 S21 notices to be issued this week by controversial landlord

The man who is arguably Britain’s most controversial landlord - Fergus Wilson - is likely to be issuing up to 90...

15 January 2019

From: Breaking News

'Five months to regain possession through courts' new figures show

Private landlords have to wait an average of over five months to regain possession of a property when applying to the...

26 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Reform possession process as part of Housing Court idea - call

A call has been made for the government to review the section 8 possession process as part of its call for...

14 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Labour threat to create private rental register and more licensing

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has made a clear pledge to tighten regulations surrounding the private rental sector. In an interview with The...

31 October 2018

From: Breaking News

First council backs campaign to scrap S21 eviction powers

Croydon council is reported to have become the first local authority to back the scrapping of Section 21 of the 1988...

10 October 2018

From: Breaking News

They're nearly here - new S21 notices come into effect on Monday

Changes to the Section 21 Notice come into force for letting agents and landlords on Monday.  This will require all Assured Shorthold...

28 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Labour to scrap S21 and match Tory pledges on fees and tenancies

Labour has outlined its proposals for the private rental sector if it gains power at the next General Election - and...

25 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Tory voters want S21 eviction powers scrapped, claims pressure group

Generation Rent, the controversial pressure group campaigning alongside Shelter and others for the scrapping of landlords’ rights to evict under Section...

29 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Not again! Another charity slams private rental sector over S21

Last week Shelter and the National Housing Federation took a swipe at lettings agents, and now Citizens Advice has joined the...

28 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Here they go again - Generation Rent attacks S21 no-fault evictions

The campaign group Generation Rent is back on the warpath in opposition of Section 21, which it describes as “the leading...

21 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Fergus Wilson hits back on 'baby evictions', curry smells and more...

Britain’s most controversial buy to let investor, Fergus Wilson, has hit back and given his side of events on a series...

24 July 2018

From: Breaking News

'Scrap S21 eviction powers' petition gets 20,000 signatures

Campaigning group Generation Rent has secured over 20,000 signatures for a petition it says will “end unfair evictions”. The petition, on the...

23 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Average eviction now takes 17 weeks according to new analysis

A new analysis reveals that it takes an average of 118 days for court-appointed bailiffs to remove tenants from private homes...

17 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Top London politicians call for scrapping of S21 eviction powers

Two senior London politicians are backing a campaign to scrap the powers of agents and landlords to evict tenants under Section...

06 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Pro-Corbyn activists to campaign against S21 eviction powers

A collection of rental sector protest organisations is getting together to campaign against S21 powers under which landlords or agents on...

18 June 2018

From: Breaking News

How To Rent guide updated - it's vital that agents use new version

The How To Rent guide - the document which has to be given to new tenants by letting agents or landlords...

22 January 2018

From: Breaking News

4 Reasons Why Virtual Furnishing Really Is The Future

It seems prop-tech is exploding at a scary rate, and the latest brands are all trying to grab our attention by...

17 March 2017

From: Sponsored Content

Guarantee blue skies! Bad weather doesn’t mean bad photos when you use Doctor Photo

Annoying isn’t it. You take on a stunning property, agree a compelling asking price and your Vendor is desperate to get the...

02 February 2017

From: Sponsored Content

Twitter debate tomorrow to inform agents on S21 regulations

Repair reporting specialist Fixflo and software provider VTUK are teaming up to provide what is believed to be the first Twitter debate...

15 November 2016

From: Breaking News

All-party support for MP's Bill - despite its danger to lettings sector

A Bill has received all-party support in the House of Commons despite one industry body's view that it contains significant dangers...

01 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Abolish S21 evictions - latest demand from Generation Rent pressure group

The latest demand by anti-letting agent pressure group Generation Rent is for the government to abolish the right of landlords or...

01 November 2016

From: Breaking News

How can Agents survive in an increasingly competitive market?

The key lies in improving your customer experience through technology For Agents, the tremendous growth in online estate agents highlights a strong...

13 September 2016

From: Sponsored Content

Lifting the Lid on Deposit Disputes

Our latest infographic shows figures of how the majority of deposits are repaid at the end of tenancy and goes into...

05 August 2016

From: Sponsored Content

Inventory clerks say landlords pay the price of councils' S21 guidance

Councils and other bodies advising tenants to ignore valid Section 21 notices and waiting to be evicted by bailiffs are costing...

23 March 2016

From: Breaking News

Legal expert alarmed at agents not compliant with new tenancy regulations

A legal expert is claiming that changes to S21 eviction procedures introduced back in October are not being adhered to by...

08 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Group's amazing claim: one-in-four private tenants evicted for no reason

The vocal campaign group Generation Rent is making the jaw-dropping claim that one in four private tenants has been evicted “for...

28 January 2016

From: Breaking News

ARLA and Fixflo team-up to give S21 timeline-guidance to letting agents

The Association of Residential Letting Agents and repairs software company Fixflo have released a guidance on timelines to help agents handle...

01 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Can councils cope with new Section 21 provisions?

Eviction specialists at Landlord Action are raising concerns as to whether there are sufficient resources, especially at local council level, to...

02 October 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal